1603 - March 17C I T Y O F P RA T T V I L L E P L A N N I N G C OM M IS S I O N A GE N D A March 17,2016 3:00pm Call to Order: Roll Call: Mayor Gillespie, Councilman Whiteside, Chairman Smith, Vice-Chairman Gardner, Chief Johnson, Mrs. Carpenter, Mr. Hindman, Mr. McAuley, and Mr. Nelson. Minutes: February 18, 2016 Old Business: None New Business: 1.Final Plat:Oaks of Buena Vista Plat 6 Location:Vintage Way Owner:Oaks of Buena Vista, LLC Representative:Larry Speaks & Associates Held 2/18 District 7 Miscellaneous: Adjourn: CITY OF PRATTVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES March 17, 2016 Call to order: Chairman Tim Smith called the meeting to order at 3:03 p.m. Roll Call: The secretary called the roll.Present:Mayor Bill Gillespie,Councilman Gary Whiteside, Chairman Tim Smith,Mr. Mark Hindman,Chief Dallis Johnson,Mr.Roy McAuley and Mr. Bobby Nelson.Absent:Vice-Chairman Reuben Gardner, and Mrs. Paula Carpenter. (Quorum present) Staff present:Mr.Joel Duke,City Planner and Ms.Alisa Morgan, Secretary. Minutes: There were no minutes available for approval. Old Business: None New Business: 1.Preliminary Plat/Final Plat: Oaks of Buena Vista Plat 6 Location: Vintage Way Owner:Oaks of Buena Vista, LLC Representative: Larry Speaks & Associates Mr. Duke introduced the final plat of Oaks of Buena Vista Plat 6. He stated that the preliminary plat has been amended to reflect changes in the submitted final plat as presented on February 18, 2016. Greg Gillian of Larry Speaks & Associates, petitioner’s representative, presented the final plat of the Oaks of Buena Vista Plat 6. He stated that the side walk had been changed from the approved preliminary plat. Mr. McAuley moved to amend the resolution of the preliminary plat of the Oaks of Buena Vista Plat 6 to modify the sidewalk on the south side of Vintage Way. Mr. Nelson seconded the motion. The amended motion passed unanimously. The final plat of the Oaks of Buena Vista was introduced and held at the February 18, 2016 meeting. The motion to approve passed unanimously. Miscellaneous Business: Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 3:14 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Alisa Morgan,Secretary Prattville Planning Commission