Planning Commission BylawsPage 1 of 3 Prattville Planning Commission Rules for Transaction of Business (Bylaws) As adopted September 19, 2019 1. Powers, Duties, and Composition The powers, duties, and composition of the Prattville Planning Commission (hereafter referred to as “the Commission”) shall be as specified in Title 11, Chapter 52 of the Code of Alabama 1975, as amended, and those powers and duties delegated to the Planning Commission by the City Council of the City of Prattville, Alabama. 2. Officers and Their Duties a. The officers of the Commission shall consist of a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, and a Secretary. b. The Commission shall elect its Chairman and Vice-Chairman from among the appointed members. The term of offices of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall be one year, with eligibility for reelection. Officer elections shall be held during the regularly scheduled December meeting of each year, and the new officers will begin their office at the next scheduled meeting after their election. If elections are unable to be held during the regularly scheduled December meeting, then they shall be held at the next available meeting. c. In the event the Chairman resigns or is no longer able to continue the office for any reason, then the Vice-Chairman shall fill the unexpired term of the office of Chairman and the Commission shall elect a new Vice-Chairman for the remainder of the unexpired term of Vice-Chairman. d. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings and hearings of the Commission and shall decide all points of order or procedure and perform any duties required by law, ordinance, these rules, or the Commission. The Chairman shall have the authority to appoint and charge any committees as necessary. The Vice-Chairman shall preside in the absence of the Chairman. In the event that neither the Chairman nor Vice-Chairman is present or is unable to act, an Acting Chairman shall be chosen from among the members present for that meeting. e. The Secretary of the Commission shall be the director of the Planning and Development Department, or a staff member as designated by the director. The Secretary shall keep the minutes and records of the Commission, prepare the agenda of meetings with the Chairman, provide and arrange notice of meetings, attend to correspondence of the Commission, and to other duties as are normally carried out by a Secretary. 3. Meetings a. Regular meetings shall be held on the third Thursday of each month at 3:00pm. The meetings shall be held at Prattville City Hall in the council chambers. Additional meetings may be scheduled by the Commission as needed. If meetings need to be rescheduled for holidays or other events, the new date and time shall be duly posted. Page 2 of 3 b. Not fewer than five members shall be a quorum for the conduct of official business. The adoption of the master plan or of any such part or amendment or extension or addition shall be by resolution of the Commission carried by the affirmative votes of not less than six members (§11-52-10). c. The Commission shall follow the rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order in cases they are applicable and not inconsistent with these rules, or other applicable rules, regulations, or laws. d. The order of business at regular meetings should generally follow the order stated below, but may be changed at the discretion of the Chairman: i. Call to order ii. Roll call and establishment of a quorum iii. Approval of minutes of previous meeting(s) iv. Committee reports v. Old business vi. New business, including any public hearing required with each agenda item. vii. Other and miscellaneous business viii. Adjournment e. Presentation of items should generally follow the order stated below, but may be changed at the discretion of the Chairman: i. The Chairman calls for the next agenda item ii. The Planning Director or designee provides a summary of the request iii. The applicant or petitioner presents his or her request and provides information in support of the application, and answers any questions from the Commission iv. The Planning Director or designee provides a staff report and answers any questions from the Commission v. If a public hearing is needed, the Chairman will ask for anyone present who would like to provide input regarding the request vi. The Commission members may discuss details and issued raised, and may ask questions of the applicant, city staff, or other parties vii. The Chairman will call for a motion to be read and a second, and the Chairman may ask if further discussion is needed viii. The vote will be called, and the Chairman announces the result f. Meeting Decorum i. Speakers shall observe the commonly accepted rules of courtesy, decorum, dignity, and good taste. All comments, questions, or remarks shall be addressed to the Chairman or the Commission as a body and not to members of the audience or the petitioner. Interested parties or their representatives may address the Commission by written communications, a copy of which shall be provided to the Secretary either before or during the meeting. ii. Those wishing to speak for or against the petition may have no longer than three minutes to speak, provided that the Chairman has the discretion to grant additional time to a speaker who is presenting pertinent material or whose presentation is incomplete after the expiration of time. Speakers may be interrupted by any member of the Commission for clarification or additional information, and those interruptions will not count against the speaker’s time. At the discretion of the Chairman, a speaker may address the Commission a second time, but only after all others have been given an opportunity to Page 3 of 3 speak. The Chairman may also grant additional time to an individual representing a homeowners’ association or other large group. iii. The Chairman reserves the right to require an individual wishing to speak on behalf of another person, group, or entity to provide written authorization from the person, group, or entity being represented. g. All meetings of the Commission shall be open to the public. h. Notice of meetings and public hearings shall be performed as specified in Title 11, Chapter 52 of the Code of Alabama 1975, as amended, and/or as required by the Alabama Open Meetings Act. The Secretary may employ supplemental notification procedures (yard signs, electronic notification, etc) to ensure that interested parties are aware of pending cases, but the failure of any such supplemental notification procedures shall not invalidate any lawful action or decision of the Commission. 4. Conflicts of Interest and Member Conduct a. In the case a Commission member has a direct personal interest, pecuniary interest, or other conflict, the member shall recuse himself or herself from discussion on the case and abstain from voting on the case. b. Commission members are advised to not discuss pending cases with members of the public outside of the public meeting, and if attempted ex parte contact persists, the member should disclose such contact at the Commission meeting. Members may gather relevant information regarding an agenda item, including making site visits (§11-52-6), if such information will aid in making an informed, objective decision. Any written material received by members shall be given to the Secretary for incorporation into the files. c. Commission members shall avoid all improper conduct and the appearance of impropriety including showing bias for or against a petitioner, individual, or group, and the criticizing the vote or comments of any member of the Commission. 5. Amending and Review of Rules a. Amendments to these rules shall require the affirmative vote of six members of the Commission. b. The Commission shall review these rules annually at the same meeting as officer elections.