01 - January 13PLANNING & DEVELOPME NT DEPARTMENT 102 WEST MAIN STREET PRATTVILLE, ALABAMA 36067 334-595-0500 334-361 -3677 FACSIMILE planning.prattvilleal.gov CITY OF PRATTVILLE BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT A G E N D A January 13, 2015 4:00pm Call to Order: Roll Call: Chairman Leo Jamieson,Vice-Chairman James Miles,Mr. Jerry Cimis, Mr. Mac Macready,and Mrs. Jerry Schannep. Alternate Member: Commander Michael Whaley. Minutes: November 10, 2014 and December 9, 2014 Old Business: None New Business: 1. 150113-01 USE-ON-APPEAL To operate a home child daycare. 310 Janice Street R-2 Zoning District (Single Family Residential) Madison Davila, Petitioner District 5 Miscellaneous: Adjourn: DATE:12/17/14 APPLICATION TYPE:Use-On-Appeal (150113-01) PROPERTY LOCATION or DESCRIPTION: 310 Janice Street PETITIONER(S) AND AGENT(S): Madison Davila ZONING DISTRICT(S)R-2 (Single Family Residential) REQUESTED ACTION:Use-On-Appeal to operate a home child daycare on property. ZONING ORDINANCE REFERENCE: Appendix A-Zoning Ordinance Section 71 R-2 Uses Permitted On Appeal: …regulations common to all "R" Districts All "R" Districts" Uses Permitted On Appeal: Customary home occupations…day care centers… Home Occupation as defined by ordinance (Sec. 68): Any use customarily conducted entirely within a dwelling and carried within a dwelling and carried on solely by the inhabitant thereof, and which use is clearly incidental and secondary to the use of the dwelling for dwelling purposes,and does not change the character thereof…