PH Minutes 2018-01-02
6:00 P.M.
CALL TO ORDER: The Prattville City Council met in public hearing on Tuesday, January 2,
2018 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Council President Striplin called the
meeting to order. Roll was called and all were recorded as being present.
1. RESOLUTION: To Authorize the Mayor to have Various Weeded Lots Abated per Title 11,
Chapter 67 of the Code of Alabama, 1975, as Amended. (Sponsored By: Councilor Starnes)
No one was present to speak for or in opposition of the Resolution.
2. ORDINANCE: To Rezone Vacant Property Located on Heather Drive Known as Grand
Haven from R-5 (Patio Garden Homes) to R-3 (Single Family Residential). (Sponsored By:
Councilor Cables)
HELD FROM 12/5/2017
Brad Smith, TGB Residential Senior Vice President, and owner of the parcel to be rezoned
by this Ordinance, came before the Council to ask for support for this Ordinance. The parcel
currently has three different zonings and TGB Residential has a need to develop it. The
company plans to build smaller multi-story apartments on a portion of the property zoned for
R-4, but needs the remaining property to be rezoned to R-5 and R-3. Once the rezoning
takes place they would be able to build 55 single-story units for senior living. Mr. Smith
believes there is a demand for such housing in Prattville and noted that this type of housing
would cause little traffic increase to the area. The company has gone door to door to obtain
input from residents on this project, and reported that, for the most part, they were indifferent.
There being no further comments, Council President Striplin closed the Public Hearing at 6:06
Cathy Dickerson
City Clerk
Albert Striplin, President
Prattville City Council
Jamie Ferrari
Assistant City Clerk