Minutes 2012-02-211 PRATTVILLE CITY COUNCIL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2012 6:00 P.M. The Prattville City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, February 21, 2012, at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. After the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag, Councilor Wood gave the invocation. Roll was called and all were recorded as being present. THE CHARACTER TRAIT OF THE MONTH IS DEFERENCE: Limiting my freedom so I do not offend the taste of those around me. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Public Hearing and City Council meeting February 7, 2012. Councilor Miller made the motion to approve the minutes and Councilor Striplin seconded the motion. The minutes were approved (7-0). COMMENTS FROM PERSONS PRESENT REGARDING TONIGHT’S AGENDA: None MAYOR’S REPORT: Mayor Gillespie was presented the honorary title of Colonel by the Alabama Volunteer Guard. Mayor Gillespie met with military police members visiting from Romania on Saturday. On their tour of the city they were amazed that a mayor was able to walk the streets safely without a security force. Mayor Gillespie noted that he has taken these freedoms for granted. Mayor Gillespie recognized and presented Commendations to the following Iraq veterans: Major Jeremy Chiglo, Captain Erick Clayson, SMSgt. Davis Shows, Jr., TSgt. Cassandra Ratcliff, and Sgt. Matthew Hust. On behalf of the City, Mayor Gillespie expressed his appreciation for the sacrifices made by these individuals and their families. The veterans were honored with a standing ovation for their service. Council President Renegar noted that the little girl calling “Daddy” during the presentation is what service men and women long to hear when serving in combat zones. Mayor Gillespie reported that a sidewalk project is underway at the corner of Main Street and Northington. Mayor Gillespie mentioned the continuing improvements to the gazebo, creek walk and creek bank. Over the weekend, numerous people were enjoying the creek walk and walking along the creek bank. The Recycling Committee has held two meetings and the next meeting is scheduled for March 1, 2012 in the police squad room. Mayor Gillespie invited Council members to the upcoming meeting. 2 Regarding Item #6, Mayor Gillespie has been asked by Fire Chief Terry Brown to hold this item. REPORT ON STATUS OF CITY FINANCES: Interim Finance Director, Doug Moseley, presented the Council with a Revenue & Expense Report through the month of January 2012, as attached. The January Unaudited Revenue by Group Report provides a comparison of January 2012 with January 2011. Lodging tax is down 13.32% from 2011 – this is due in part to one local hotel being torn down and rebuilt. The 12.9% decrease shown in business license revenue is a reflection of the reduction in employees in the finance department from 2011. These licenses must be keyed in manually. There is no indication of a drop-off in business license revenue. The Tax Breakdown Comparison provides a detailed breakdown on the monthly number provided for taxes. The report shows which taxes may be running ahead or running behind compared to the budget. The January Unaudited Expenses by Department Report shows that most departments are at budget or below. Several departments show an increase in the percentage of benefits cost. The amount put into the group health account is the amount that is budgeted for the year. The city will never put more than 100% of what is budgeted into the health account unless a critical need causes a loan to the group health account. The Sanitation Enterprise Fund Income Statement and the Wastewater Enterprise Fund Income Statement provide information from October, 2011 through January, 2012. These reports show revenue and expenses broken down by expense category and present year-to- date budgets. The final bridge loan payment has been paid. The $1,000,000 line of credit has been paid off. The field work on the audit is complete and the tentative financial report is encouraging. Revenues are greater than expenses. Mr. Moseley reported the city will apply for the GFOA Excellence in Financial Reporting Award. With the assistance of other department heads, he has finished compiling approximately 16 pages of analytical information and community information to be included in the financial report. Accounts payable is current with no open invoices for the month of January or older. Council President Renegar confirmed that the last bridge loan payment is paid, the city is within a 30-day window on accounts payable, and the city is on track to pay the May 1st loan payment with no bridge loan. He added this is outstanding and asked Mr. Moseley if the City has a plan to keep the finances on track. Mr. Moseley responded continuing to watch every penny, keeping an eye on the small expenditures and presenting the financial information monthly will help. Councilor Striplin has been trying to reconcile the 1-percent sales tax less incentives and track the 2.5 percent in same manner. Mr. Moseley confirmed that the Tax Breakdown Comparison reconciles with the information on the website. 3 Councilor Striplin asked about progress on the financial statements for Sanitation and Wastewater. Mr. Moseley replied that he needs the closing entries for FY2011; he can then set the baseline for assets and reserve fund balances for those funds. Councilor Miller added that the sooner the Enterprise Fund statements are finalized, the better it will serve the city. The Wastewater Committee held a good meeting this morning with management. He added it is important to learn from our history and to be mindful of the integrity of the Enterprise Funds. Councilor Miller asked for the status of the Employee Health Care Fund. Mr. Moseley responded there is approximately $400,000 currently in the fund and the city owes the fund approximately $1,000,000 through February. Councilor Miller applauded Mr. Moseley for providing an extremely encouraging report. He added he appreciates the work involved to bring these figures to the Council, and noted that the tide appears to be turning. Councilor Wood thanked Mr. Moseley for his report and asked if the income from Wastewater is part of the General Fund. Mr. Moseley responded that income from Wastewater does not touch the General Fund, but goes directly into the Enterprise Fund. Councilor Boles asked for clarification of the GFOA Excellence in Financial Reporting Award and if the report will be available on the website to the public. Mr. Moseley responded that the information will be included in the financial report. Mr. Moseley added that all requests for Community Iniatives for the first and second quarter have been paid except for one. Information for that one is needed to complete the contract for services. Mr. Renegar thanked Mr. Moseley for a good report. REPORT FROM COUNCIL ON SPECIAL COMMITTEES: Councilor Striplin reported that the Wastewater Committee met this morning and that progress is being made in developing a Master Plan. At the next Council meeting, he may bring forward legislation regarding a subdivision adjacent to the city. With a moratorium on annexation, there may be an issue to deal with. Councilor Miller will make a motion to hold Item #6 after introduction. There are some unresolved questions regarding liability coverage on the Medical Service Director. Council President Pro Tempore Fank reported that the Leisure Services Committee met and supports Items #2 and #4. Council President Renegar reported that the Finance Committee concurs with the Leisure Services Committee in recommending Item #2 for approval. The Urban Management Department has also presented equipment and supply needs to the Finance Committee. Those items will come forth with recommendations at the next council meeting. Council 4 President Renegar expressed kudos to Interim Finance Director Doug Moseley on his fine report, adding it is good to be back on track financially. AGENDA 1. RESOLUTION: TO AUTHORIZE THE DEMOLITION OF THE STRUCTURE AT 261 TENTH STREET AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $2,488.00. (RESOLUTION BOOK 2012, PAGE 020) Councilor Wood made a motion to adopt the Resolution and Council President Pro Tempore Fank seconded the motion. Councilor Wood noted that Ms. Bishop appeared before the City Council on February 7th and requested more time to accomplish this demolition on her own. With the contract in place, the city will be able to move forward on May 1st if the demolition is not complete. Councilor Wood encouraged Council members to move forward with this Resolution. There being no further discussion, the Resolution was adopted with the following results: AYES : STRIPLIN, WOOD, BROWN, MILLER, RENEGAR, BOLES, FANK 7 NAYS : NONE 0 ABSTAINED : NONE 0 ABSENT : NONE 0 2. RESOLUTION: TO AUTHORIZE THE HIRING OF SEASONAL LEISURE SERVICES EMPLOYEES AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $84,777.00. (RESOLUTION BOOK 2012, PAGE 021) Council President Pro Tempore Fank made a motion to adopt the Resolution and Councilor Striplin seconded the motion. Councilor Wood asked for the number of seasonal employees to be hired. Human Resources Director Lisa Thrash responded that 34 seasonal employees would be hired. There being no further discussion, the Resolution was adopted with the following results: AYES : STRIPLIN, WOOD, BROWN, MILLER, RENEGAR, BOLES, FANK 7 NAYS : NONE 0 ABSTAINED : NONE 0 ABSENT : NONE 0 Councilor Boles read the Ordinance from Item # 4 on the agenda. 4. ORDINANCE: TO SURPLUS ONE (1) VEHICLE FROM THE LEISURE SERVICES DEPARTMENT. (ORDINANCE BOOK, PAGE 005) Councilor Boles made a motion to adopt the Ordinance and Councilor Wood seconded the motion. By point of order, it is necessary for the council rules to be suspended if immediate action is to be considered. Councilor Miller made a motion to suspend the rules and Councilor 5 Wood seconded the motion. The rules were suspended (7-0). There being no further discussion, the Ordinance was adopted with the following results: AYES : STRIPLIN, WOOD, BROWN, MILLER, RENEGAR, BOLES, FANK 7 NAYS : NONE 0 ABSTAINED : NONE 0 ABSENT : NONE 0 3. ORDINANCE: TO SURPLUS ONE (1) VEHICLE FROM THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. (ORDINANCE BOOK 2012, PAGE 004) Councilor Brown made a motion to adopt the Ordinance and Council President Pro Tempore Fank seconded the motion. By point of order, it is necessary for the council rules to be suspended if immediate action is to be considered. Councilor Wood made a motion to suspend the rules and Councilor Boles seconded the motion. The rules were suspended (7-0). There being no discussion, the Ordinance was adopted with the following results: AYES : STRIPLIN, WOOD, BROWN, MILLER, RENEGAR, BOLES, FANK 7 NAYS : NONE 0 ABSTAINED : NONE 0 ABSENT : NONE 0 5. RESOLUTION: TO APPOINT JOE MATHIS TO THE AIRPORT AUTHORITY. (RESOLUTION BOOK 2012, PAGE 022) Councilor Striplin made a motion to adopt the Resolution and Council President Pro Tempore Fank seconded the motion. There being no discussion, the Resolution was adopted with the following results: AYES : STRIPLIN, WOOD, BROWN, MILLER, RENEGAR, BOLES, FANK 7 NAYS : NONE 0 ABSTAINED : NONE 0 ABSENT : NONE 0 6. RESOLUTION: TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO ENTER INTO MEDICAL DIRECTOR SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH DR. JULIAN MAHAGANASAN AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $3,000.00. (HELD UNTIL MARCH 6, 2012) Councilor Miller made a motion to adopt the Resolution and Council President Pro Tempore Fank seconded the motion. Councilor Miller noted that this contract needs to be held for two weeks while the city attorney and others work out the details regarding liability insurance. Councilor Miller moved to hold the Resolution and Councilor Wood seconded the motion. There being no further discussion, the Resolution was held with the following results: 6 AYES : STRIPLIN, WOOD, BROWN, MILLER, RENEGAR, BOLES, FANK 7 NAYS : NONE 0 ABSTAINED : NONE 0 ABSENT : NONE 0 COMMENTS FROM PERSONS PRESENT: None CLOSING COMMENTS: Mayor Gillespie reported that he was able to spend time with Councilor Denise Brown at the Alabama League of Municipalities Certified Municipal Official session today. They were able to meet with Representative Beckman and discussed de-annexation, recycling and traffic light issues. They were also able to meet with Senator Taylor. Mayor Gillespie thanked department heads and employees for their efforts to keep expenses down to the necessities. An Arbor Day recognition ceremony will be held at the gazebo behind City Hall on Tuesday, February 28, at 10:00 a.m. Mayor Gillespie will present the “State of the City” address on Thursday, February 23, at 6:o0 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Councilor Striplin expressed appreciation to the department heads and employees for holding things together and helping the city to move forward. Councilor Brown thanked department heads, employees, councilmembers and the Mayor’s office for helping her get up to speed. Councilor Miller expressed appreciation for Councilor Striplin’s report on the Wastewater Committee meeting. He further reiterated that the committee is on the right track in developing a multi-year financial and operational plan. Councilor Miller also thanked Rick Teague for his role in leadership with the Wastewater Department. Under the direction of Councilor Striplin as Chairman of the Wastewater Committee, the committee is considering taking a similar approach with the Sanitation Department. Council President Pro Tempore Fank will not be able to attend the “State of the City” address due to a prior engagement out of town and will be out of pocket much of next week. He will call a Leisure Services Committee meeting if needed before the next Council meeting and asked Councilor Striplin to lead that meeting. Council President Renegar stated that he looks forward to the “State of the City” address. He expressed kudos to department heads and employees for doing an outstanding job and encouraged them to keep up the good work. ADJOURN: 7 There being no further business to come before the council, Council President Pro Tempore Fank made a motion to adjourn and Councilor Wood seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned (7-0) at 6:52 p.m. APPROVED: ___________________________ Cathy Dickerson City Clerk ___________________________ Michael E. Renegar, President Prattville City Council