Minutes 2020-03-20 Emergency Special Teleconference COVID-19 1 PRATTVILLE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL CALLED MEETING BY TELEPHONE CONFERENCE MINUTES MARCH 20, 2020 10:00 A.M. The Prattville City Council met in an emergency special called meeting on Friday, March 20, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. by telephone conference. R oll was called and all Councilors were in attendance by telephone. Mayor Gillespie, Mayor’s Executive Assistant Lisa Byrd, Webmaster Jamie Sutton, and City Clerk Cathy Dickerson were in attendance in the room. Human Resources Director Lisa Thrash was in attendance by telephone. I.T. Director Jose Figueroa was hosting the telephone conference at his computer. Council President Striplin thanked all for adjusting their personal schedules to part icipate in this emergency special called meeting. This meeting was authorized pursuant to a Proclamation issued by Governor Ivey on March 18, 2020. The Governor’s Proclamation addressed COVID - 19 and temporarily suspended and/or waived certain provisions of the Alabama Open Meetings Act, which does not allow for telephonic voting. The abbreviated agenda addressed two administrative matters deemed emergencies concerning COVID -19. Traditional parliamentary voting procedures were followed, and Councilors were asked to give their name as they seconded a motion or spoke. Voting was handled by roll call to ensure that each Councilor’s vote was properly recorded. AGENDA 1. RESOLUTION: To Declare the Existence of Local Emergency Conditions for the City of Prattville, Alabama, Due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). (Sponsored By: Council President Striplin) RESOLUTION BOOK 2020, PAGE 040 Councilor Starnes made a motion to adopt the resolution and Councilor Jackson seconded the motion. There being no discussion, the resolution was adopted with the following results (7-0) by roll call vote: AYES : STRIPLIN, JACKSON, BROWN, STARNES, CABLES, STRICHIK, BOONE 7 NAYS : NONE 0 ABSTAINED : NONE 0 ABSENT : NONE 2. RESOLUTION: To Authorize Additional Emergency Sick Leave and Benefits to City Employees in Compliance with the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act and the Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act. (Sponsored By: Council President Striplin) RESOLUTION BOOK 2020, PAGE 041 2 Councilor Cables made a motion to adopt the resolution and Councilor Strichik seconded the motion. There being no discussion, the resolution was adopted with the following results (7-0) by roll call vote: AYES : STRIPLIN, JACKSON, BROWN, STARNES, CABLES, STRICHIK, BOONE 7 NAYS : NONE 0 ABSTAINED : NONE 0 ABSENT : NONE Council President Striplin noted that at this time, future council meetings could only be conducted in this manner if they were COVID-19 related or specifically related to essential City services. Accordingly, gatherings of 25 or more are prohibited. There will be logical and technical challenges in conducting future council meetings until the coronavirus is contained. As updated information is available, it will be shared. ADJOURN: There being no further business to come before the council, Councilor Boone made a motion to adjourn and Council President Pro Tempore Brown seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned by roll call vote (7-0) at 10:07 a.m. APPROVED: ___________________________ Cathy Dickerson City Clerk ___________________________ Albert Striplin, President Prattville City Council