Minutes 2011-09-20PRATTVILLE CITY COUNCIL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2011 6:04 P.M. The Prattville City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, September 20, 2011, at 6:04 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. After the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag, Council President Renegar gave the invocation. Roll was called and all were recorded as being present. THE CHARACTER TRAIT OF THE MONTH IS THOROUGHNESS: Details that influence my quality of work. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Public Hearing & City Council meeting September 6, 2011, Public Hearing & Work Session September 12, 2011. Council President Pro Tempore Fank made the motion to approve the minutes and Councilman Argo seconded the motion. The minutes were approved (7-0). COMMENTS FROM PERSONS PRESENT REGARDING TONIGHT’S AGENDA: Lonnie Brown, 258 Teri Lane, Prattville, AL, asked if agenda item number 4 is addressing the future budget, and why the budget couldn’t be considered tonight. Council President Renegar stated that the resolution will allow the city to continue operating until the new budget is adopted and hopes to have it adopted by the second meeting in November. MAYOR’S REPORT: Mayor Gillespie announced that the LPGA was successful and had a great turnout. The winner, Lexi Thompson, was the youngest participant to ever win an LPGA tournament. The Mayor encouraged attendance to the new Cultural Arts skit, The Compleat Works of William Shakespeare, which will be performed through October 2nd. Mayor Gillespie complemented the Fire Department. In the wake of having their narrow band radios re-programmed at a cost of $20,000.00- $30,000.00, Chief Brown and Battalion Commander Strock are looking at areas that would enable them to reprogram the radios in- house. Mayor Gillespie announced the following upcoming events: • Tonight is the Relay for Life Kickoff. • September 24th is the Worldwide Day of Play, and he encouraged everyone to get out and exercise or play. • October is Domestic Violence Prevention month. • October 5th is Walk to School day and asked everyone to be especially mindful in school zones. Mayor Gillespie stated that he would be requesting funding for $7,500.00 for an IT assessment at the next council meeting. He is expecting a savings of approximately $200,000.00. The Human Resources Department is implementing paperless direct deposit and each employee will be required to be paid by direct deposit. The Mayor will be requesting $5,813.00 to implement this, with a savings to the city of approximately $4,000.00 yearly. There have been several computer problems throughout the city that Interim Finance Director, Doug Moseley, and IT Specialist, JoAnne Josey have resolved. Regarding Resolution number 1, Mayor Gillespie asked that it be tabled or that the council not support this. In the coming year, if an employee has gotten their annual Health Risk Assessment the $25.00 healthcare monthly fee increase will be waived. Regarding Resolution numbers 4 and 5, the Mayor asked the council to please move forward on these items. Council President Pro Tempore Fank asked if any employees have been found to be in an “at risk” situation through their HRA. Mayor Gillespie responded that at least two employees have potential medical issues that were discovered through their HRA. REPORT ON STATUS OF CITY FINANCES: Interim Finance Director, Doug Moseley, presented the council with an August Financial Report, as attached. The city has collected $3.1 million more in revenues than 2010. Permit and inspection fees have decreased due to the building market. Total year to date the city has spent $34.3 million, and the budget is $34 million, which will increase due to the bridge loans. The city has collected $1.2 million more than has been spent. Councilman Boles asked for clarification on the following: • The city has spent $6,300,000.00 less than last year • Salaries are $1,200,000.00 less than last year • Benefits costs have been $600,000.00 less than last year • Operating costs have been $2,300,000.00 less than last year • Capital outlay has been $2,300,000.00 less than last year He expressed his appreciation to Mr. Moseley, the Finance Committee and the employees. Councilman Striplin asked if the overtime accumulated this month would be paid in the month of October. He further asked for clarification regarding the $35 million in revenue. Mr. Moseley replied that it would. The $35 million includes the bridge loans. Councilman Argo expressed his confusion with the report and encouraged Mr. Moseley to find a more simple presentation. Also, he stated that he’s been approached by a member of the Chamber of Commerce regarding payment for the billboards; $40,000.00 is not a lot of money in a $35 million budget, why not pay? There has been an agreement with RSA since 1996 to pay for the billboards. Mr. Moseley reminded the council that the city started the year with over $3 million due in accounts payable. Mayor Gillespie said that there is $10,000.00 in the proposed budget for the billboards, and that was an agreement with the prior administration and legally we do not owe. This was not in the current budget. Councilman Boles recommended that the city reduce payment of $150,000.00 to the Chamber of Commerce to $110,000.00 for Economic Development and $40,000.00 for the signs. Council President Renegar reminded the council that the Mayor has presented his proposed budget and the burden to revise the budget is on the council body. Council President Pro Tempore Fank asked Mayor Gillespie on clarification of the agreement for the billboards with the previous administration was the Whetstone administration, and not the Byard administration. Mayor Gillespie stated that yes; the agreement was with the Whetstone administration. COUNCIL REPORTS: Councilman Wood reported that the Public Safety Committee has met and recommends approval of resolution number 3. Councilman Miller reported that the Fire Committee hasn’t met, but the ambulance contract discussions with the county are moving along nicely. Council President Pro Tempore Fank stated that he would be bringing a Resolution from the floor to waive the fee for the Autauga County Fair, which has been done annually. Council President Renegar reported that the Finance Committee has been working diligently on the proposed budget and expects it to be on the agenda by the second meeting in November. AGENDA 1. RESOLUTION: TO DELARE A FREEZE ON EMPLOYEE HEALTHCARE PREMIUM CONTRIBUTIONS. Council President Pro Tempore Fank made a motion to postpone the resolution indefinitely and Councilman Striplin seconded the motion. The resolution was held indefinitely (7-0). 2. RESOLUTION: TO DECLARE VARIOUS WEEDED LOTS TO BE A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND ORDERING THEIR ABATEMENT PER TITLE 11, CHAPTER 67 OF THE CODE OF ALABAMA, 1975, AS AMENDED. (RESOLUTION BOOK 2011- A, PAGE 018) Councilman Miller made a motion to adopt the Resolution and Council President Pro Tempore Fank seconded the motion. There being no discussion, the Resolution was adopted with the following results: AYES : STRIPLIN, WOOD, ARGO, MILLER, RENEGAR, BOLES, FANK 7 NAYS : NONE 0 ABSTAINED : NONE 0 ABSENT : NONE 0 3. RESOLUTION: TO GRANT A RESTAURANT RETAIL LIQUOR LICENSE FOR GEORGE HARVEY RUSSELL, OWNER, D/B/A THE CAFÉ, LLC. (RESOLUTION BOOK 2011-A, PAGE 019) Councilman Wood made a motion to adopt the Resolution and Councilman Miller seconded the motion. There being no discussion, the Resolution was adopted with the following results: AYES : STRIPLIN, WOOD, ARGO, MILLER, RENEGAR, BOLES, FANK 7 NAYS : NONE 0 ABSTAINED : NONE 0 ABSENT : NONE 0 4. RESOLUTION: APPROPRIATING FIXED EXPENSES AND SALARIES AND CONTINUING POLICY PROCEDURES. (RESOLUTION BOOK 2011-A, PAGE 020) Councilman Striplin made a motion to adopt the Resolution and Councilman Boles seconded the motion. There being no discussion, the Resolution was adopted with the following results: AYES : STRIPLIN, WOOD, ARGO, MILLER, RENEGAR, BOLES, FANK 7 NAYS : NONE 0 ABSTAINED : NONE 0 ABSENT : NONE 0 5. RESOLUTION: TO AUTHORIZE THE HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT TO BEGIN THE HIRING PROCESS FOR AN ASSISTANT TO THE CITY CLERK. (RESOLUTION BOOK 2011-A, PAGE 021) Councilman Boles made a motion to adopt the Resolution and Councilman Argo seconded the motion. Councilman Miller asked the Mayor about an option to cross train an employee from another department or hiring a contract employee on a temporary basis. Mayor Gillespie stated that the position required a full time person, especially with an election year ahead and expects to fill the position from within the city. An additional person will also allow the Mayor’s office to operate more smoothly. There being no further discussion, the Resolution was adopted with the following results: AYES : STRIPLIN, WOOD, ARGO, RENEGAR, BOLES, FANK 6 NAYS : MILLER 1 ABSTAINED : NONE 0 ABSENT : NONE 0 6. RESOLUTION: TO SET A PUBLIC HEARING TO DECLARE VARIOUS WEEDED LOTS TO BE A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND ORDERING THEIR ABATEMENT PER TITLE 11, CHAPTER 67 OF THE CODE OF ALABAMA, 1975, AS AMENDED. (RESOLUTION BOOK 2011-A, PAGE 022) Councilman Argo made a motion to adopt the Resolution and Council President Pro Tempore seconded the motion. There being no discussion, the Resolution was adopted with the following results: AYES : STRIPLIN, WOOD, ARGO, MILLER, RENEGAR, BOLES, FANK 7 NAYS : NONE 0 ABSTAINED : NONE 0 ABSENT : NONE 0 7. RESOLUTION: TO WAIVE FEE FOR THE AUTAUGA COUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION. (RESOLTUION BOOK 2011-A, PAGE 023). Council President Pro Tempore Fank introduced the Resolution from the floor and made a motion to adopt it. Councilman Argo seconded the motion. Because the Resolution did not appear on the evening’s agenda, it is necessary for the council rules to be suspended. Councilman Wood made a motion to suspend the rules and Councilman Miller seconded the motion. The rules were suspended (7-0). Councilman Miller asked what the fee is and the City Clerk stated that it was $250.00. There being no further discussion, the Resolution was adopted with the following results: AYES : STRIPLIN, WOOD, ARGO, MILLER, RENEGAR, BOLES, FANK 7 NAYS : NONE 0 ABSTAINED : NONE 0 ABSENT : NONE 0 COMMENTS FROM PERSONS PRESENT: NONE. CLOSING COMMENTS: Mayor Gillespie hopes to see everyone at the Autauga County Fair. Councilman Striplin expressed his appreciation to the city employees and the work that they do. Regarding agenda item number 5, Councilman Wood stated that a full time person is needed and encouraged the administration that a person be hired from within the city and cross- trained with the Executive branch. Regarding agenda item number 5, Councilman Argo stated that the City Clerk does so much more than prepare for council meetings and elections every four years such as liability insurance and claims, authenticating the Mayor’s signature, and a back-up person is needed and encouraged that the city hire from within. Further, he expressed how much he enjoyed the LPGA and during his volunteer work there spoke with a number of LPGA officials who spoke of how well they are always treated by this community. He also expressed his appreciation for the expressions of sympathy he’s received in the loss of his uncle. Regarding agenda item number 5, Councilman Miller expressed his appreciation to Stephanie Southerland and her hard work, but is concerned with personnel costs and encouraged the administration to hire from within. Councilman Boles expressed his appreciation for all of the work that was done to prepare for the LPGA. He stated that he was able to attend every day except Saturday wearing his name badge and thoroughly enjoyed it. Council President Pro Tempore Fank also suggested hiring the Assistant to the City Clerk from within, and it is a full time position and should be treated as such. He further reported that he will be out of town on a business obligation and will not be able to attend the next council meeting. Council President Renegar reported that the annual Chamber Banquet will be held on Thursday, September 22nd and encouraged everyone to attend. He congratulated Lexi Thompson and commended her for donating $20,000.00 of her winnings to the Wounded Warrior Project. ADJOURN: There being no further business to come before the council, Council President Pro Tempore Fank made a motion to adjourn and Councilman Boles seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 6:56 p.m. APPROVED: ___________________________ Stephanie J. Southerland City Clerk ___________________________ Michael E. Renegar, President Prattville City Council