Draft Organizational Meeting Packet 11-2-2020 (2)
10:00 a.m.
[Following Administration of Oaths of Office]
1. ORDINANCE: To Set Council Procedures for the 2020-2024 Quadrennium. (Sponsored
By: __________________)
2. RESOLUTION: To Provide Procedure and Criteria for the Establishment of Council
Meetings, Agenda and Agenda Packet for the 2020-2024 Quadrennium. (Sponsored By:
The next City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 3, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.
[To Set Council Procedures for the 2020-2024 Quadrennium.]
{Sponsored By: _______________}
BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Prattville, Alabama, that the
order of procedure in all instances for meetings of the Council shall be as follows:
Section 1. That the rules or order of procedure herein contained shall govern
deliberations and meetings of the council of Prattville, Alabama.
Section 2. Regular meetings of the council shall be held on the following dates: the first
and third Tuesdays of each month.
Section 3. Special meetings may be held at the call of the presiding officer by serving
notice on each member of the council not less than 24 hours before the time set for such special
meetings; or special meetings may be held as provided by §11-43-50, Code of Alabama, 1975,
as amended, whenever two council members (or the Mayor) making the request shall have the
right to call such meeting. Notice of all special meetings shall be posted on a bulletin board
accessible to the public at least 24 hours prior to such meeting. In the event of an emergency,
the council may call a meeting with 1-hour notice if circumstances require immediate action to
avoid physical injury to persons or damage to property.
Section 4. A quorum shall be determined as provided by §11-43-48, Code of Alabama,
1975, as amended.
Section 5. The regular meeting on the first and third Tuesdays of each month shall
convene immediately following the 6:00 p.m. Public Hearing, at City Hall, and all meetings,
regular and special, shall be open to the public.
Section 6. The order of business shall be as follows:
1. Pledge of Allegiance of the flag.
2. Invocation.
3. A call to order.
4. Roll call.
5. Approval of minutes.
6. Comments by persons present regarding current agenda items only.
7. Report of Mayor.
8. Report of Standing Committees and Special Reports
9. Report on status of City finances (2nd meeting of each month).
10. Resolutions, ordinances, orders and other business.
11. Comments by persons present (general).
Section 7. The council shall receive a report from the Finance Director or his or her
designee on the status of City finances during the second meeting of each month.
Section 8. No person, not a member of the council, shall be allowed to address the
same while in session without permission of the presiding officer.
Section 9. Persons wishing to address the council during Item #6 of the Order of
Business in Section 6 shall restrict comments to current agenda items only. Persons wishing
to express general comments shall appear before the council during Item #11 of the Order of
Business in Section 6. Comments during these items shall be limited to no more than five (5)
minutes. The presiding officer may reduce or increase the comment period when necessary.
Section 10. No member shall speak more than twice on the same subject without
permission of the presiding officer.
Section 11. Motions to reconsider must be by a member who voted with a majority and
at the same or next succeeding meeting of the council.
Section 12. Whenever it shall be required by one or more members, the verbal “yeas”
and “nays” shall be recorded and any member may call for a division on any question.
Otherwise, when called upon by the presiding officer, members shall raise their right hand to
signify the “yeas” and “nays.”
Section 13. The presiding officer of the council shall decide all questions of order with
the right of appeal to the council by any member.
Section 14. The presiding officer of the council may, at his or her discretion, call any
member to take the chair, to allow him or her to address the council, make a motion, or discuss
any other matter at issue.
Section 15. Motions to lay any matter on the table shall be first in order; and on all
questions, the last amendment, the most distant day, and the largest sum shall be put first.
Section 16. All meetings of the council shall be open to the public, except when the
council meets in executive session as authorized by state law.
Section 17. The council may meet in executive session only for these purposes as
authorized by state law: (1) job performance, general reputation and character, physical
condition, professional competence, and mental health; (2) formal complaints or charges
against an individual or legal entity; (3) discussions with the city’s attorney; (4) security plans
and measures; (5) criminal investigation and the identity of an undercover agent or informer;
(6) negotiations to buy/sell/lease real property; (7) preliminary negotiations in trade competition;
(8) negotiations between the body and a group of public employees; or (9) to discuss and vote
upon a public or contested case hearing.
When a council member makes a motion to go into executive session for an enumerated
purpose, the presiding officer shall put the motion to a roll call vote. If the majority of the council
shall vote in favor of the motion to go into executive session, the body shall then move into
executive session to discuss the matter for which the executive session was called. No action
may be taken in an executive session. When the discussion has been completed, the council
shall resume its deliberations in public.
Section 18. A motion for adjournment shall always be in order.
Section 19. The rules of the council may be altered, amended, or temporarily
suspended by a vote of two-thirds of the members present.
Section 20. The chairman of each respective committee, or the councilmember acting
for him or her, shall submit or make all reports to the council when so requested by the presiding
officer or any member of the council.
Section 21. The City Clerk, City Attorney, Chief of Police, Court Department Chief
Magistrate, City Engineer, City Planner, Finance Director, Fire Chief, Human Resources
Director, Information Technology Director, Parks & Recreation Director, Public Works Director,
and such other officers or employees of the City of Prattville, shall, when requested, attend all
meetings of the council and shall remain in the council room for such length of time as the
council may direct.
Section 22. No ordinance or resolution of a permanent nature shall be adopted at the
meeting at which it is introduced unless unanimous consent be obtained for the immediate
consideration of such ordinance or resolution, such consent shall be by roll call and the vote
thereon spread on the minutes.
Section 23. Robert’s Rules of Order is hereby adopted as rules of procedure for this
council in those situations which cannot be resolved by the rules set out in this ordinance.
Section 24. This ordinance shall go into effect upon the passage and publication as
required by law.
By: ___________, President
Prattville City Council
By: Jamie Clayton
Interim City Clerk
By: Bill Gillespie, Jr.
[To Provide Procedure and Criteria for the Establishment of
Council Meetings, Agenda and Agenda Packet for the 2020-2024 Quadrennium.]
{Sponsored By: _______________}
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Prattville has established by Ordinance an
order of procedure for its regular meetings; and
WHEREAS, in order to aid and assist the Council in its decision-making process
there needs to be established standard procedure for the consideration of ordinances and
1. The Council may set such meetings as are necessary to fully conduct its business.
2. That the City Clerk be and is designated as Agenda Clerk, whose responsibility shall
be and includes the preparation of an agenda for each regular council meeting. The
agenda packet shall not be required for a special or called meeting.
3. Each resolution or ordinance placed on the agenda for consideration at a regular
meeting shall be included in a proposed agenda packet which shall be distributed prior
to any meetings.
4. All resolutions and ordinances to be included on the agenda for a regular meeting must
be submitted in writing to the City Clerk no later than 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday prior to the
next scheduled council meeting.
5. All resolutions and ordinances must have an indicated sponsor who shall be a member
of the city council before being submitted and that the summaries of the agenda shall
carry with it the name of the sponsor of the resolution or ordinance. Ordinances and
resolutions shall contain in the title the total amount of any known expenditure of funds.
6. The clerk shall complete the agenda for a regular meeting and an agenda packet shall
be emailed or otherwise made available to council members no later than twelve o’clock
noon on Friday before the regular scheduled council meeting.
7. Any resolution or ordinance brought from the floor during a council meeting shall be
presented in writing. Items brought from the floor should only be used for time sensitive
or emergency measures. The council must have unanimous consent to suspend the
rules in order to consider the resolution or ordinance brought from the floor at that
meeting. If there is not unanimous consent to suspend the rules, the resolution or
ordinance will hold over until the next meeting.
8. Any member of the Council may raise an objection to any violation of this procedure
and upon such objection the matter shall not be considered without unanimous vote.
However, the failure to raise any objection is a waiver and implied consent and no
action taken without objection shall be invalid for any violation of procedure.
9. There is hereby established a consent docket which shall consist of any ordinance or
resolution which is non-controversial and does not require discussion or laying over. All
ordinances and resolutions on the consent docket need not be read, discussed or
passed individually, but shall be passed and approved by motion for approval of the
entire consent docket; however, any councilmember may at any time, including up until
the passage of the consent docket, have any ordinance, resolution or motion removed
from the consent docket, and placed on the regular docket. The sole and only purpose
of this provision is to expedite the meeting and it shall not in any way be used for any
purpose against the public interest.
10. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict with this resolution are hereby repealed.
11. That all budgeted capital expenditures requiring additional Council approval may be
voted on as requested.
By: ___________, President
Prattville City Council
By: Jamie Clayton
Interim City Clerk
By: Bill Gillespie, Jr.