03 - March 26 Planning & Development Department 102 West Main Street  Prattville, Alabama 36067  334-595-0500  334-361-3677 Facsimile planning.prattvilleal.gov CITY OF PRATTVILLE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AGENDA March 26, 2015 4:30 p.m. Call to Order: Roll Call: Chairman Langley, Vice-Chairman Price, Mr. Barrett, Ms. Chieves, Mrs. Davis, Ms. Kirkpatrick and Mr. Smith. Election of Officers: Minutes: February 26, 2015 Old Business: 1. CA1412-03 Certificate of Appropriateness Alterations-Roof replacement and privacy fence repair 225 Wetumpka Street David & Kim Williams, Petitioners Tabled 12/11/14 New Business: None Miscellaneous: Adjourn: CITY OF PRATTVILLE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES March 26, 2015 Call to order: The regular meeting of the Prattville Historic Preservation Commission was called to order on Thursday, March 26,2015 at 4:31 p.m. Roll Call: The secretary called the roll. Members present were Chairman Thea Langley,Vice-Chairman Gray Price, Mrs. Kate Chieves,Ms. Lenore Kirkpatrick and Mr. Larry Smith.Members Absent:Mr. Will Barrett, and Mrs. Jean Davis. Quorum present Also present was Mr. Joel Duke, City Planner and Ms.Alisa Morgan, Secretary. Minutes: Mrs. Chieves moved to approve the minutes of the February 26, 2015 meeting.Mr. Smith seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Old Business: Certificate of Appropriateness Alterations-Roof replacement and privacy fence repair 225 Wetumpka Street David & Kim Williams, Petitioners The requested item to repair the porch was tabled at the December 11, 2014 meeting. Mr. Price moved to bring the item to the floor for discussion. Ms. Kirkpatrick seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. At the previous meeting the item (item 2) was tabled until additional details on material could be provided by the petitioner. Kim Williams, petitioner, presented sample material of the tongue and groove board proposed for the front porch. Mrs. Chieves moved to approve the request as presented.Mr. Gray seconded the motion. The motion to approve passed unanimously. New Business: None Miscellaneous: Adjourn: With no further business,the meeting was adjourned at 4:41 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Alisa Morgan,Secretary Historic Preservation Commission