11 - November 29CITY OF PRATTVILLE
Historic Preservation Commission
Planning Department Staff Report
113 N. Washington Street – CA1211-01
November 28, 2012
Petitioner: Rob and Barbara Gaston
Property Owner: Same as petitioner
Agent: N/A
Location: 113 N. Washington Street
Review Status and History
Submission Status: Initial request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for this
Previous Approvals: N/A
Conditions of Previous
1984/2007 Historic
Properties Inventory
113 North Washington Street, Hannon House (circa
1890, contributing) This frame building has a hipped
roof with gabled extensions. A left bay projects from its
asymmetrical façade to abut an L-shaped porch with
original turned posts and balustrade that extends around
the north elevation.
Proposed Alteration, Renovation or Addition
The following changes have been requested by the applicant. See the application
included as Attachment A for the owner’s description of each item.
1. Replace existing 10’ wide front sidewalk with new stamped, textured, and stained
concrete walkway. See applicant’s narrative for additional details.
2. Add a 10’ x 12’ extension to existing 20’ x 12’ accessory structure. Elevate
existing walls from 6’ height to 8’ height. Exterior wood siding will be retained and
matching siding will be used for the wall extensions and addition. Replace
existing tin roof with new metal roof. See applicant’s narrative for additional
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3. Replace existing rain gutters with larger capacity gutters. (Removed from
application by staff – considered to be maintenance since the style of gutter is not
Reviewed by: Joel T. Duke, AICP
Site Visits Conducted: November 28, 2012
Recommendation: Item 1: Recommend retention and repair of existing
Item 2: Recommend approval. Proposed alteration
maintains the basic character of the accessory
The requested alterations were reviewed against the standards contained in the Prattville
Residential Design Review Guidelines Manual. The relevant sections of manual are
included. Staff comments/evaluations are summarized at the end of each section.
Item 1. Replace existing 10’ wide front sidewalk with new stamped, textured, and
stained concrete walkway.
Driveways, Sidewalks, and Walkways (page 44)
Driveways, sidewalks, and walkways are common district features. Historic
examples should be retained and maintained, and new construction should follow
historic examples.
1. Historic driveways, sidewalks, and walkways should be retained and maintained.
5. Many district residences have narrow concrete walkways connecting the sidewalk
or street to the main entrance. New walkways should follow these historic models.
The existing walkway is likely original or an early addition to the property. Strong
consideration should be given to retaining and repairing th is unique feature. If the
walkway is replaced, the new walkway should be simple r in design and should not
seek to mimic the original. Any new concrete should be in keeping with the style of
the house.
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Item 2. Add a 10’ x 12’ extension to existing 20’ x 12’ accessory structure. Elevate
existing walls from 6’ height to 8’ height. Exterior wood siding will be retained and
matching siding will be used for the wall extensions and addition. Replace existing
tin roof with new metal roof.
Outbuildings (page 50)
Outbuildings contribute to the historic and residential character of the district.
Historic outbuildings should be retained and maintained. New outbuildings should
use design, materials, and placement that support the district’s historic character.
1. Historic outbuildings should be retained and maintained .
2. New outbuildings should be smaller than the adjoining main building.
3. New outbuildings should be simple in appearance.
4. New outbuildings should use building and roof forms compatible to those used in
the adjoining main building.
5. New outbuildings should use materials compatible to those used in the adjoining
main buildings. Outbuildings that are not visible from public vantage points or
have very limited visibility may use modern synthetic siding materials.
While the proposed addition is not a new building, the guidelines for new
structures are helpful in evaluating the project. The existing structure generally
meets the guidelines for a new outbuilding in its simple appearance, compatibility
with the design of the main structure, and scale. The proposed 10’ x 20’ addition
does not impact its compatibility. Care should be taken to match the style of the
new roof as well as the material.
A. Application and attachments
B. Location Map
Historic Preservation Commission
Planning Department Staff Report
166 West Main Street – CA1211-03
November 28, 2012
Petitioner: Randy Eckman – Fox’s Pizza Den
Property Owner: Walthall Enterprises, LLC
Agent: N/A
Location: 166 West Main Street
Review Status and History
Submission Status: Initial request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for this
Previous Approvals: N/A
1984/2007 Historic
Properties Inventory
197. 164 – 166 West Main Street, Downtown Grocery
and Godwin Hardware (circa 1900, contributing) This
two-story brick building has upper two-part windows
topped by quarry-faced ashlar banding and a neo-
classical metal cornice with modillions topped by a
molded brick parapet.
Proposed Alteration, Renovation or Addition
The following alteration has been requested by the applicant. See the application
included as Attachment A for a description of each element.
Replace sign copy (message) within the existing 20’ wide x 36” long sign. New copy
will be a vinyl overlay of the existing sign.
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Reviewed by: Joel T. Duke, AICP
Site Visits Conducted: November 28, 2012
Recommendation: Approval
Since the subject property/structure was initially developed as and remains a commercial
structure, the requested alterations were reviewed against the standards contained in the
Prattville Commercial Design Review Guidelines Manual. The relevant sections of manual
are included. Staff comments/evaluations are summarized at the end of each section.
Replace sign copy (message) within the existing 20’ wide x 36” long sign. New copy
will be a vinyl overlay of the existing sign.
Signs (page 29)
Signs are important elements in the historic and commercial character of the downtown
business district, and historic signage should be retained and maintained. Signs are
also important means of advertising and establishing business identities.
2. New signs should be of traditional materials such as finished wood, glass, copper,
or bronze.
3. New signs should be installed in locations historically used for signs such as on
awnings, on upper façade walls covering five percent or less of the wall surface,
inside windows, or projecting from the building façade or elevation. Signs should
not cover or obscure architectural features.
4. New signs should be properly proportioned relative to their buildings.
5. Letters should be eighteen or less inches high and should cover sixty percent or
less of the total sign area.
6. Colors used in signs should be coordinated with their buildings. Three colors or less
should be used per sign.
7. Mounting equipment should be anchored in mortar, not bricks or stones, and
should avoid damaging the building.
8. Lighting sources for signs should be external and concealed. The exception is if
historic or replica neon signs are used.
No details concerning any proposed lighting were provided by the applicant. Based on
the presented details, the proposed sign meets the Commission’s design guidelines for
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signs except for item 2 which states, “New signs should be of historically appropriate
materials such as finished wood, glass, copper, or bronze.” Recommend approval.
A. Application and attachments
B. Location Map