2307 July 27 HPC102 West Main Street \ Prattville, AL 36067 \ 334. 595.0500 \ prattvilleal.gov BILL GILLESPIE, JR. MAYOR J. SCOTT STEPHENS, AICPDIRECTOR CITY OF PRATTVILLE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AGENDA July 27, 2023 4:30 p.m. Call to Order: Roll Call: Chairman Miller, Vice-Chairman Stewart, Mrs. Davis, Mr. Ferguson, Ms. Fritz, Ms. Rollins, and Mr. Sanford. Minutes: June 22, 2023 Committee Reports: Old Business: None New Business: 1.COA2307-01 Certificate of AppropriatenessSite Design-Driveway and Parking Pad 217 Wetumpka Street Adam Shirley, Petitioner Public Hearing Miscellaneous: Expedited Approvals: Adjourn: Approved 8/29/2023 Prattville Historic Preservation Commission July 27, 2023 Minutes Page 1 of 2 CITY OF PRATTVILLE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES July 27, 2023 Call to order: The Chairman called the regular meeting of the Prattville Historic Preservation Commission to order on Thursday, July 22, 2023, at 4:30 p.m. Roll Call: The secretary called the roll. Chairman Tom Miller, Mr. Scott Ferguson, Mrs. Precious Fritz, Ms. Kristi Rollins, and Mr. Tim Sanford were present. Vice-Chairman Taylor Stewart and Mrs. Jean Davis were absent. Quorum present Also present was Mr. Scott Stephens, City Planner; Mr. Joshua McKinney, Planner; Ms. Bria Hudson, Planner; and Ms. Alisa Morgan, Secretary. Minutes: Mr. Ferguson moved to approve the minutes of the June 22, 2023 regular meeting. Mr. Smith seconded the motion. The motion to approve passed unanimously. Committee Reports: Old Business: There was no old business to discuss. New Business: Certificate of Appropriateness Site Design-Driveway and Parking Pad 217 Wetumpka Street Adam Shirley, Petitioner Mr. Stephens provided the staff report for the Certificate of Appropriateness to allow a circular driveway with a parking pad on property located at 217 Wetumpka Street. He stated that the proposed driveway will require an additional curb cut and the city’s Engineering Department had no objections as proposed. Adam “Chuck” Shirley, petitioner, presented the request for the Certificate of Appropriateness to allow a circular driveway with a parking pad on property located at 217 Wetumpka Street. He stated that Wetumpka Street is a busy street and it would be safer for them to pull on to the street rather than backing out into the street. He stated that they initially got approval from the Commission to put a fence barrier between their house and the AT&T building but realized that the fence wouldn’t buffer the noise better than vegetation. In placing vegetation, it would cut into the existing narrow driveway. Chairman Miller opened the floor for public comments. There being no public comments, the public hearing was closed. Chairman Miller opened discussion for the board. In their discussion, they felt that the proposed driveway would not cause a detrimental effect to the district as there is a circular drive in the district. Mr. Ferguson moved to approve the request as submitted. Ms. Rollins seconded the motion. The motion to approve passed unanimously. Approved 8/29/2023 Prattville Historic Preservation Commission July 27, 2023 Minutes Page 2 of 2 Miscellaneous: Mr. Stephens discussed a portion of the Guidelines that addressed Street Furnishings. He discussed the display of a portion of fence being used by the public to attach locks that was removed from the pedestrian bridge located behind the creek walk. He stated that the city would like to relocate that fence behind the art center. He stated that it meets the guidelines for expedited review, but wanted the Commission to be aware of the change. Mr. Stephens introduced the newly hired planners for the city, Ms. Bria Hudson and Mr. Joshua McKinney. Adjourn: With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:59 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Alisa Morgan, Secretary Historic Preservation Commission Page 1 of 3 Historic Preservation Commission Staff Report CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS 217 Wetumpka Street– COA2307-01 DATE July 27, 2023 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Petitioner: Adam Shirley Property Owner: Same Location: 217 Wetumpka St Review Status and History Previous Approvals: August 25, 2022 – CoA approved for driveway and fence 1984/2007 Historic Properties Inventory Details 1984: 217 Wetumpka Street: c. 1900; one story, frame, gable roof with offset cross-gable and extruded bay window; original inset porch abutting projecting gable replaced c. 1960 by stoop with cast iron supports. Occupied by Rice, Archibald, Gresham, Bateman, Searcy and Cranfield families. 2007: 217 Wetumpka Street: This one-story frame building possessed a gable roof with an offset cross gable and an extended bay window. A stoop with cast- iron supports replaced the original inset porch circa 1960. Page 2 of 3 Proposed Alteration, Renovation, or Addition The following alterations have been requested by the applicant. 1. Circular concrete driveway with parking pad in front yard STAFF EVALUATION: Reviewed by: Scott Stephens, City Planner Recommendation: HPC should determine if the circular driveway in front yard is consistent with guidelines and nearby area. Evaluation: 1. Circular concrete driveway with parking pad in front yard Residential Guidelines, Driveways and Sidewalks (pp 21-22): 1. Historic driveways and sidewalks shall be retained and maintained. 2. New driveways shall not damage or destroy important landscaping features and shall be oriented to be compatible with the overall streetscape of the block. 3. New driveways shall be of a similar size and scale to what is found nearby within the historic district. 4. New driveways shall make use of existing curbcuts when possible. Avoid new curbcuts unless they are necessary for driveway access. New curbcuts shall match historic curbcuts along the street in size, profile, and configuration. 5. Driveways shall be located to the side of the main structure when possible. Unique or unusually shaped lots may warrant a driveway in a different location, though the applicant shall make a best faith effort to incorporate a driveway that is compatible with the streetscape. 6. Driveways shall be constructed of materials typically found within the historic district such as gravel, concrete ribbons, pavers, dirt, and concrete. 7. Larger driveways may be appropriate if they are located in the rear of the lot. 8. Materials such as blacktop and asphalt were not historically found within the residential part of the historic district and are prohibited. 9. New sidewalks and walkways shall follow historical trends set by the historic district. Many residential Page 3 of 3 buildings have narrow concrete walkways leading from the sidewalk to the building entrance; construction of new walkways shall follow this historical precedent. Evaluation: The property currently has a gravel ribbon driveway. The petitioner is proposing a circular, concrete driveway which will require an additional curb cut. Nearby, existing driveways are a similar width and constructed of concrete (#3 & #6). The existing driveway is located on the side of the house (#5), however, the proposed will be located in the front of the house. Location of proposed new driveway cut was discussed with City Engineer and he had no objections. WETUMPKA ST E 5TH ST N N O R T H I N G T O N S T N W A S H I N G T O N S T S N O R T H I N G T O N S T Aerial Map ±0 200100 Feet Locations are approximate Project Area Prattville City Limits E 6TH ST E 5TH ST E 4TH ST WETUMPKA ST N N O R T H I N G T O N S T N W A S H I N G T O N S T S N O R T H I N G T O N S T PIN E S T OAK HILL CEMETERY Location Map ±0 400200 Feet Locations are approximate Project Area Prattville City Limits E 6TH ST E 5TH ST E 4TH ST WETUMPKA ST N N O R T H I N G T O N S T N W A S H I N G T O N S T S N O R T H I N G T O N S T PIN E S T OAK HILL CEMETERY Zoning Map ±0 400200 Feet Locations are approximate Project Area Prattville City Limits B-1 R-2 R-3