PH Minutes 2024.01.021 PRATTVILLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 2024 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: The Prattville City Council met in Public Hearing on Tuesday, January 2, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Roll was called with all Councilors recorded as present. Council President Boone declared a quorum and called the meeting to order. 1. ORDINANCE: To Rezone Property Located Inside the Corporate Limits at 941 Lower Kingston Road from R-3 (Single Family Residential) and M-2 (General Industry) to T-1 (Manufactured Home Subdivision) (Petitioner: Austin Mitchell). {Sponsored By: Council President Boone} There was no one present to speak in favor of or in opposition to the ordinance. 2. ORDINANCE: To Rezone Property Located Inside the Corporate Limits at 307 Old Farm Lane South from FAR (Forest, Agriculture, Recreation) to O-1 (Office District) (Petitioner: Little House Developments, LLC). {Sponsored By: Council President Boone} There was no one present to speak in favor of or in opposition to the ordinance. 3. ORDINANCE: To Rezone Property Located Inside the Corporate Limits at Highway 82 East and Constitution Avenue from B-2 (General Business), R-2 (Single Family Residential) and PUD (Planned Unit Development) to PUD (Planned Unit Development) (Owner: DHS-1 Holding, Inc., DHS-2 Holding, Inc., DHS-3 Holding, Inc and Gresham Place) (Representative: Barrett-Simpson, Inc.). {Sponsored By: Council President Boone} John Baumhauer, 2951 Pine Haven Dr., spoke in favor as one of the developers on the proposed Cottages project. Mr. Baumhauer spoke on delaying the vote for this item allowing additional time to address any issues and concerns. Russ Lane, 1907 Constitution Ave., spoke in opposition due to having no representation in District 5. Mr. Lane spoke on concerns with growth in population and how it will affect traffic flow and also concerns regarding increased crime. Rosie Duke, 1312 Cherry Tree Ln., spoke in opposition addressing concerns and accuracy of the traffic studies conducted, traffic flow and safety during peak hours. Bryan Morgan, 1020 Saddle Ridge, spoke in opposition addressing concerns of the decreasing property value. Grant Wadsworth, 209 Poplar St., spoke in opposition addressing concerns regarding apartments bringing down property values, the shelf life of apartments and selling to out of state investors. 2 Todd Stephens, 1913 Constitution Ave., spoke in opposition concerning crime following apartments, being properly maintained and selling to out of state investors. Mark Nichols, 1016 Saddle Ridge, spoke in opposition stating District 5 holds ten of the City’s twenty apartment communities and not tabling the vote. Shelia Brown, 1014 Saddle Ridge, spoke in opposition of the development. Terrie Morgan, 1020 Saddle Ridge, spoke in opposition quoting the City’s renter occupancy percentage and Prattville’s 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Craig Clement, 1317 Cherry Tree Ln., spoke in opposition stating concerns regarding traffic, crime and purposed apartments being poorly maintained. Aric Lobenstein, 116 Weston St., spoke in opposition and concerns of overrun schools and addressing infrastructure before adding additional apartments. ADJOURN: Council President Boone closed the Public Hearing at 6:32 p.m. APPROVED: Paula G. Barlow City Clerk Lora Lee Boone, President Prattville City Council SUBMITTED BY: Loucretia Harrell Assistant City Clerk