PH Minutes 2024.06.041 PRATTVILLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 2024 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: The Prattville City Council met in Public Hearing on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Roll was called with all Councilors recorded as present with the exception of Councilor Striplin. Council President Boone declared a quorum and called the meeting to order. APPEAL BY DEBRA ROBINSON REGARDING THE UNSAFE STRUCTURE LOCATED AT 106 7th STREET. Debra Robinson and Lavandolyn Robinson, 118 Cosby Court, spoke on the property at 106 7th Street. Ms. Debra Robinson spoke on receiving two letters with the first letter being incorrect and referenced the property across the street. Ms. Debra Robinson spoke on the past road blocks hindering her from making progress on the property and seeking possible grant funds to assist with repairs. Ms. Debra Robinson also advised she is currently in the process of negotiating with licensed contractors for work on the structure. Council President Boone, called Code Enforcement Officer Christopher Johnson to the podium to discuss 106 7th Street. Mr. Johnson stated the case was opened on April 2, 2024, at which time the Building Inspector Steve May inspected the property. When the first certified letter was sent out, Ms. Robinson contacted the City Clerk’s office with concern of errors found in the original letter. The City Clerk’s Office contacted Code Enforcement and the Building Inspector to address the concerns. It was determined there was a mix up on two addresses across the street from each other. The errors were addressed and corrected and on May 9, 2024, a new notice of violation was sent by certified mail to Mr. Robinson with the correct violations and the timeline was restarted. The signed notification of receipt of the notice was received on May 15, 2024. As of June 4, 2024, the file on the Unsafe Structure at 106 7th Street is correct and current. 1. RESOLUTION: To Authorize the Mayor to have Overgrown Grass and Weeds at 116 Newby Street Abated and Charge Any Incurred Expenses for the Abatement Process Pursuant to Chapter 46 et seq., City of Prattville Code of Ordinances. {Sponsored By: Councilor Whaley} There was no one present to speak in favor of or in opposition to the resolution. 2. ORDINANCE: To Rezone Property Located Inside the Corporate Limits off McQueen Smith Road and Jay Street from R-3 (Single Family Residential) to INST (Institutional) (Owner: HD&D Land Company, Petitioner: Goodwyn Mills Cawood, LLC). {Sponsored By: Councilor Whaley} There was no one present to speak in favor of or in opposition to the ordinance. 3. ORDINANCE: To Rezone Property Located Inside the Corporate Limits on McQueen Smith Road from R-3 (Single Family Residential) to INST (Institutional) (Owner: HD&D Land Company, Petitioner: Goodwyn Mills Cawood, LLC). {Sponsored By: Councilor Whaley} 2 There was no one present to speak in favor of or in opposition to the ordinance. 4. ORDINANCE: To Rezone Property Located Inside the Corporate Limits at 1619 South Memorial Drive from FAR (Forest, Agriculture, Recreation) to B-2 (General Business) (Owner: HD&D Land Company, Petitioner: Goodwyn Mills Cawood, LLC). {Sponsored By: Council President Boone} There was no one present to speak in favor of or in opposition to the ordinance. ADJOURN: Council President Boone closed the Public Hearing at 6:08 p.m. APPROVED: Paula G. Barlow City Clerk Lora Lee Boone, President Prattville City Council SUBMITTED BY: Loucretia Harrell Assistant City Clerk