1505 - May 21 Planning & Development Department 102 West Main Street  Prattville, Alabama 36067  334-595-0500  334 -361-3677 Facsimile planning.prattvilleal.gov C ITY O F P RA TTV ILLE P LA N N IN G C OMM IS S IO N A GEN D A May 21, 2015 3:00pm Call to Order: Roll Call: Mayor Gillespie, Councilman Boles, Chairman Smith, Vice-Chairman Gardner, Chief Johnson, Mrs. Carpenter, Mr. Hindman, Mr. McAuley, and Mr. Nelson. 2. Re-Plat: Exchange at HomePlace 1-B Location: Cobbs Ford Road & Sugar Exchange Owner: DH Holdings-1, Inc. Representative: AllSouth Corporation Held 4/16 District 5 New Business: 3. Zoning: M-1 (Light Industrial) Horace Davis Property Location: County Road 4 at Jensen Road Petitioner: Horace Davis Representative: Larry E. Speaks & Associates Public Hearing District 2 4. Zoning: R-4 (Multi-Family Residential) Laney Property Location: Highway 14 and Old Ridge Road Petitioner: Laney Properties, LTD Representative: Larry E. Speaks & Associates Public Hearing District 3 Miscellaneous: Adjourn: Minutes: March 19, 2015 and April 16, 2015 Old Business: 1. Preliminary Plat: Oak Creek Plat 3 Location: Dunvegan & Portree Drive Owner: Magna Development & Builders, LLC Engineer/Representative: Larry Speaks & Associates Held 3/19, 4/16 District 1 Approved 10/15/15 Prattville Planning Commission May 21,2015 Page 1 of 4 CITY OF PRATTVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES May 21, 2015 Call to order: Chairman Tim Smith called the meeting to order at 3:04 p.m. Roll Call: The secretary called the roll.Present:Mayor Bill Gillespie, Councilman Ray Boles,Chairman Tim Smith,Vice-Chairman Reuben Gardner,Chief Dallis Johnson,Mr. Mark Hindman and Mr. Bobby Nelson.Absent:Mrs. Paula Carpenter and Mr.Roy McAuley. (Quorum present) Staff present:Mr.Joel Duke,City Planner and Ms.Alisa Morgan, Secretary. Minutes: None Old Business: 1.Preliminary Plat: Oak Creek Plat 3 Location: Dunvegan & Portree Drive Owner: Magna Development & Builders, LLC Engineer/Representative: Larry Speaks &Associates Greg Gillian of Larry Speaks & Associates, petitioner’s representative, stated that they are working on water pressure issues. He stated that the developer request to hold the request. Chief Johnson moved to hold the item at the petitioner’s request. Mr. Gardner seconded the motion. The motion to hold passed by unanimously. 2.Re-Plat: Exchange at HomePlace 1-B Location: Cobbs Ford Road & Sugar Exchange Owner: DH Holdings-1, Inc. Representative: AllSouth Corporation Mr. Duke stated that he had received a letter from the petitioner wishing to withdraw the request for the re-plat of Exchange at HomePlace 1-B. Mayor Gillespie moved to withdraw the item at the petitioner’s request.Councilman Boles seconded the motion. The motion to withdraw the request passed unanimously. Approved 10/15/15 Prattville Planning Commission May 21,2015 Page 2 of 4 New Business 3.Zoning: M-1 (Light Industrial) Horace Davis Property Location: County Road 4 at Jensen Road Petitioner: Horace Davis Representative: Larry E. Speaks & Associates Stephen Speaks of Larry E.Speaks & Associates, petitioner’s representative, introduced the zoning request to M-1 for the Horace Davis Property. Chairman Smith opened the public hearing. Tanzania Johnson, 212 County Road 4 West, spoke to concerns of how the zoning of industrial use would affect the existing residents in the area. The public hearing was closed. Mr. Gardner introduced a resolution recommending approval of the zoning of Horace Davis Property to M-1 and moved for its approval. Chief Johnson seconded the motion. Mr. Duke provided the staff report for the zoning of Horace Davis Property. He stated that the zoning request is running concurrent with annexation request. He stated that the proposed zoning request is consistent with the 2010 Comprehensive Future Land Use Plan.He stated that further evaluation is needed of possible negative impact on the existing Spring Hill community. Mr. Speaks stated that they are willing to work with the Commission to adjust their proposal to minimize impacts to the existing neighborhood. He stated that there is currently no potential buyer. Councilman Boles moved to hold the request and have it sent to committee for further review. Mr. Gardner seconded the motion. The motion to hold passed unanimously. Chairman Smith along with Mr. Gardner and Mr. Hindman were selected to the Horace Davis Property zoning committee. 4.Zoning: R-4 (Multi-Family Residential) Laney Property Location:Highway 14 and Old Ridge Road Petitioner:Laney Properties, LTD Representative: Larry E. Speaks & Associates Greg Gillian of Larry Speaks & Associates, petitioner’s representative, presented the zoning request of the Laney Property. He stated that the 13.80 acre property located at Highway 14 and Old Ridge Road is proposed for multi-family use. Chairman Smith opened the public hearing. Councilor Denise Brown of District 3,804 Wynwood Dr.,addressed the commission on behalf of the residents of the district. She stated that the residents that she spoke with are in opposition to the request. She stated that increase in traffic was a major concern. She stated that the zoning Approved 10/15/15 Prattville Planning Commission May 21,2015 Page 3 of 4 should be in the best interest for the city.She stated that in the best interest of the residents of the neighborhood and the city of Prattville the rezoning request should be rejected. The following residents were in attendance to speak in opposition to the request. Glenn Davis, 521 Ashton Oak Drive Debbie Acker, 754 Glennbrooke Blvd William Mayfield, 2279 Gathering Way Maurice Barnes, 569 Ashton Oak Drive Kareem Brooks, 1802 Riverton Drive Tammy Brown, 765 Glennbrooke Drive Willie Mixon, 101 Strodes Creek Court Peter Go, 762 Glennbrooke Blvd Wanda Ellis, 1526 Trolley Road Jon Kosciuszko, 1607 Trolley Road Jon Lee Finnegan, 211 Deer Trace Street Earl B. Wise, 803 Bluegrass Drive R. Shawn Locklear, 1962 Calumet Parkway Leroy Davis, 758 Glennbrooke Blvd Christy Curry, 382 Sydney Drive Ronald Johnson, 233 Kendrick Way Also, letters and e-mails of opposition (made a part of the minutes) were received in the Planning Department along with a Petition, listing residents in opposition to the rezoning request. The public hearing was closed. Councilman Boles introduced a resolution recommending approval of the zoning of Laney Property to R-4 and moved for its approval. Mayor Gillespie seconded the motion. Mr. Duke provided the staff report of the zoning of the Laney Property.He stated that there is currently no proposed development.He stated that 2010 Comprehensive Plan shows this area as commercial. He stated that high density housing performs best when integrated into a neighborhood with a mixture of housing choices.He stated that it may require more time and information to determine the best zoning designation. The motion to recommend approval was denied unanimously. Miscellaneous Business: Mr. Duke presented a request for Eastwood Phase 2 to re-plat lots 3 and 4 into 1 lot. Mr. Gardner moved to approve the re-plat of lots 3 and 4 of Eastwood Phase 2 into 1 lot. Mr. Nelson seconded the motion. The motion to approve passed unanimously. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 4:29 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Approved 10/15/15 Prattville Planning Commission May 21,2015 Page 4 of 4 Alisa Morgan,Secretary Prattville Planning Commission CITY OF PRATTVILLE Planning Commission Planning Department Staff Report REZONING APPLICATION DATE May 18, 2015 PROPOSED DEVLOPMENT Petitioner: Laney Properties, LTD Property Owner: Laney Properties, LTD Agent: Larry E. Speaks and Associates, Inc. Location: Lot 1, Laney Property, Plat 1. Northeast corner of the Old Ridge Road/Riverton Drive. Please see Attachment A. Development Status and History Submission Status: Applicant is requesting the rezoning of 13.80 acres (See Attachment B) platted in December 2014 as Lot 1 of the Laney Property, Plat 1. The request shifts the property from FAR, Forest, Agricultural, Recreation to R-4, Multi- family Residential. The applicant has not indicated a specific use of the property other than allowing it to be marketed for higher density residential. Previous Approvals: Sketch Plan as “Laney Property” – Planning Commission approval August 21, 2008. Preliminary Plat/Final Plat as “Laney Property, Plat 1 – Planning Commission approval December 18, 2014 Conditions of Previous Approvals: Sketch Plan approval grant contingent on addressing items in Planning Department staff report. August 21, Laney Property – Northeast corner of the Old Ridge Road/Riverton Drive intersection Rezoning – RZ-2015-04 Lot 1, Laney Property, Plat 1 Page 2 of 5 2008 P.C. resolution and staff report included as Attachment C. Property Configuration Acreage: 13.80 acres Proposed Number of Lots and Configuration: Rezoning request is not accompanied by a development plan or subdivision plat. Applicant has stated plans to market property for higher density residential uses. Proposed Uses: Medium and high density residential, including multi- family. Consistency with Adopted Future Land Use Plan The Future Land Plan/Map in Section 2.2 of the Prattville Comprehensive Plan adopted by the Planning Commission on January 21, 2010 shows the subject property as Commercial. The proposed higher density residential zoning is inconsistent with the future land use plan. Plan consistency is discussed in greater detail in the staff analysis. Current Zoning: Currently zoned FAR, Forest Agricultural Recreation. Proposed Zoning: R-4, Multi-family Residential Permitted Uses in R-4 Districts: Dwellings and apartments for any number of families. Permitted uses common to all R districts. Uses Permitted on Appeal in R-4 Districts: Clubs, not conducted for profit; rooming and boarding houses. (See regulations common to all "R" Districts, listed above.) Uses Permitted on Appeal in all R districts. Full permitted uses include in Attachment D Surrounding Developments and Uses: As shown on the location map included as Attachment A, the property is surrounded by a mixture of commercial and residential uses. These uses are summarized below: Page 3 of 5 • North – Hollybrooke Subdivision - low/medium density residential – single units on ¼ acre lots. • South – General Business/Highway Commercial developments fronting Alabama 14 East and planned extensions of Old Farm Lane and Boardroom Drive. • East – Prattville Business Park and Interstate Court subdivisions – general business • West – Riverchase North Subdivision - low and medium density residential. Street Extensions or New Streets: None proposed within the subject property. Public street extensions may be necessary with further development. The southern boundary of the subject lot is formed by a planned northward extension of Old Farm Lane from AL 14 East to Old Ridge Road at its intersection with Riverton Drive. The roadway will be constructed jointly by the City of Prattville and Autauga County as a part of an economic development agreement with Long Lewis Ford and Laney Properties. Work on the street is scheduled to begin by Fall 2015. Water and Sewer: Adequate potable water service is available to the site from the Prattville Water Works Board. Mains are available for connection on Old Ridge Road and planned extension of Old Farm Lane. City of Prattville sanitary sewer mains do not extend to the subject property. The nearest sanitary sewer main is approximately 1,200 feet south at Alabama Highway 14 E. PLANNING STAFF EVALUATION Reviewed by: Joel T. Duke, AICP City Planner Site Visits Conducted: Various times during March and April 2015 Page 4 of 5 Recommendation: The requested change requires additional study by the Planning Commission. The Commission should address: 1. Consistency with the adopted land use plan. 2. Appropriateness of location for high density residential uses. If an appropriate location, what considerations should be given to the transitions between subject site and the Hollybrooke neighborhood? 3. If the subject property is an inappropriate location for the requested R-4, what is the ideal zoning designation? Staff Comments: Consistency with Comprehensive Plan - On January 21, 2010, the Planning Commission adopted an updated Prattville Comprehensive Plan. The Future Land Plan and Map in Section 2.2 of the document shows the subject parcel and the applicant’s remaining property as “Commercial” (See Attachment E). According to Page 2.14, this land use category includes “any and all types of commercial uses. As such, it is limited in its application, applied only to high-traffic intersections and corridors, and rarely to more than a parcel in depth.” As the Old Ridge Road corridor develops over the next decade, the subject property and the remainder of the Laney Property are the optimal locations for many of the commercial uses needed to serve the neighborhood. Designating the property R-4, Multi- family Residential classification forces the commercial uses to other less desirable locations. The parcel is also isolated from the surrounding residential uses. While it abuts a single- family residential neighborhood (Hollybrooke), there are no direct public-accessible connections. The sole connections to the adjacent and nearby residential areas would be streets with high traffic volumes and no sidewalks. Higher density housing often functions well as the transition zone between intense commercial uses and low density residential, but it should not be an inaccessible island separated from the social and economic fabric of the community. High density housing performs best when integrated into a neighborhood with a mixture of housing choices. Appropriate Zoning – Old Ridge Road and Old Farm Lane will be Prattville’s growth corridors for the next two decades. As a result, areas of both retail/service commercial and higher density housing will be needed to accommodate an evolving market. While the Page 5 of 5 subject property may not be best suited for the requested R-4 classification, the Commission should take the opportunity to recommend an appropriate zoning designation to the applicant and the City Council. B-2, General Business is the most requested classification for properties developing along a high traffic volume corridor. The Commission and Council have worked together over the years to manage access to B-2 lots and require significantly more landscaping and screening, but B-2 standards still offer little protection to adjacent, less intense land uses. With the rear lines of 14 signal family residential lots in the Hollybrooke subdivision forming the subject parcel’s northern boundary, B-2 General Business may not be the best designation. The Commission should consider whether a B- 1, Neighborhood Commercial, or even O-1, Office, designation might offer both the commercial land needed for the corridor and protection for an established neighborhood. Determining the best designation may require more time and information than is available at the May 21 Commission hearing. ATTACHMENTS A. Location Map B. Applicant Survey/Plot C. August 2008 Sketch Plan “Laney Property” Resolution and Staff Report D. Residential District Classifications E. Future Land Use Map – Subject Property Indicated CITY O Planni Plannin SKET DATE PROPO Petitio Prope Agent Locati Develo Submi Previo Condit Approv Prope Acreag Propos and Co Propos Curren Requir OF PRA ing Com ng Departm TCH PLAN E SED DEVL oner: erty Owner: t: ion: opment St ission Statu ous Approva tions of Pre vals: erty Configu ge: sed Numbe onfiguration sed Use: nt Zoning: red Zoning: ATTVILLE mission ment Staf N LOPMENT : tatus and H us: als: vious uration er of Lots n: E ff Report Laney August Jim Laney Laney Pro Larry E. S NE corner Ridge Roa History Initial Sub N/A None Approxim Sketch p acres and The appl used for provided B-4, High East fron property Recreatio The appl parcel fo commerc land use show the the areas Property t 15, 2008 y operties, LT Speaks and r of the inte ad mission mately 59 ac plan shows d 10 acres) licant has s r a retail for the rem hway Comm tage to a de is zoned on. icant has s or retail com cial designa plans. The e Alabama s north as lo 8 TD Associates ersection of cres three large divided by stated that commercia mainder of th mercial zoni epth of 680 d FAR, stated his in mmercial us ation listed f e plans, ad 14 frontage ow density r , Inc. Alabama 1 e lots (23.9 a new publ the 10 acre l. No deta he property. ng covers t feet. The r Forest, A ntention to s se. This us for the area dopted in 1 e as retail c residential. 4 East and 94 acres, 2 ic street e parcel wi ails have b the Alabam remainder o Agriculture sell the 10 se matches a in City’s fu 996 and 1 commercial d Old 21.51 ill be been ma 14 of the and acre s the uture 998, and Page 2 of 4 Surrounding Developments and Uses: As shown on the location map included as Attachment A, the property is surrounded by a mixture of commercial and residential uses. These uses are summarized below: • North – Hollybrooke Subdivision - low/medium density residential – single units on ¼ acre lots. • South – General Business/Highway Commercial developments fronting Alabama 14 East. • East – Prattville Business Park and Interstate Court subdivisions – general business • West – Riverchase North Subdivision and Riverchase Commercial Subdivision – general business bordering the southern portion and low density residential on the northern portion. Street Extensions or New Streets: The sketch plan includes two public streets. The first is a continuation of the widened and realigned Old Farm Lane running generally north and south connecting Alabama 14 East and Old Ridge Road North. This street is proposed as an 80’ right-of-way section intersecting Alabama 14 opposite Arvind Way. Over the next five years, the Alabama Department of Transportation will complete a widening Old Farm Lane northward from Cobbs Ford Road and a realignment of its intersection with Alabama 14. The new intersection will generally correspond with Arvind Way. The second proposed street runs generally east/west along the north line of the proposed 10 acre parcel. The 50’ wide right-of-way street connects the Old Farm Lane extension to an extension of Boardroom Drive included in the current sketch plan for Prattville Business Park subdivision. Water and Sewer: Potable water is available at the site from the Prattville Water Works Board. Water mains are available from several locations surrounding the site. The highest capacity line is a 12” running on the east side of Old Ridge Road North. Sanitary sewer service is available to the site through the City of Prattville. An 8” main is available at the southeast corner of the property. Unique Features: The Laney property is located within the city’s planned north/south arterial corridor for eastern Prattville. This corridor generally follows the current Old Farm Lane and Old Ridge Road. The Laney property provides the link Page 3 of 4 between the two sections of the corridor. PLANNING STAFF EVALUATION Reviewed by: Joel T. Duke, AICP City Planner Site Visits Conducted: August 13 and 14, 2008 Recommendation: Approval with modifications based on staff review. Staff Comments: 1. Land Use – The owner/developer has provided information on the planned retail commercial use to be location on the ten acre parcel. Additional information should be provided for the remaining 49 acres. This information is necessary to assist with alignment of the Old Farm Lane extension and planned roadway access points. Staff has requested additional information on potential uses for the FAR parcel. Preferable and compatible uses include medium and higher density residential, office commercial or neighborhood commercial uses. 2. Old Farm Lane extension – The presented 80’ right-of-way should be widened to 100’ or 120’; accounting for its future connection to Old Ridge Road and projected traffic volumes as areas served by the Old Ridge Road develop. The future intersection of the new street and Old Ridge Road should be located south of Riverton Drive (Riverchase North Subdivision). The alignment of the new street should match the proposed ALDOT intersection at Arvind Way (realignment of Old Farm Lane). 3. Service Road – The proposed 50’ right-of-way street running east/west serves as a connection to adjacent commercial properties and removes local traffic from the major arterial corridors such as Alabama 14 and Old Ridge Road. The street location, one or more lots removed from the arterial corridor, continues the city’s recent practice used on Cobbs Ford Road and U S 82 in the Town Center and High Point Center developments. Allowing for connectivity between developments, the 50’ right-of-way service road should be adjusted to align with East/West portion of Boardroom Drive in the Prattville Business Park development. In addition, the service road should be generally extended westward to Old Ridge North. Future local streets may be required as additional information is provided concerning possible land uses on the sketch. COMMENTS FROM OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS Page 4 of 4 Engineering Department: 1. What is the storm-water detention plan for this 59 acre parcel? Will it be handled jointly or on individual parcels? 2. Note that City Of Prattville sign will remain. 3. Right In/Right Out not permitted. 4. Extend 50 ft. service road from the east, and continuing it to the west. Align this proposed 50 ft. with proposed ROW to the east 5. Extend sewer in street or add 20 ft. Sanitary Sewer ROW adjacent to service road Hwy. 14 ROW. 6. Provide overall Sanitary Sewer Plan. 7. Show all proposed access points to Service Road and Old Ridge Road. Fire Department: 1. Future plans must show approved hydrant locations at all approved intersections with distances between hydrants as per City Ordinance. ATTACHMENTS A. Location Map B. Sketch Plan C. Staff Modified Sketch Plan CITY-WIDE PLANSS e c t i o n 2 . 2 P R O J E C T PRAT T VILLE THE N EXT CHAPTER P R O J E C T PRATTVILLE2.11 Figure: 2.1 - Future Land Use Low-Density Residential Medium-Density Residential Commercial Industrial Institutional Mixed-Use - Transitional Mixed-Use - Commercial Mixed-Use - Residential Conservation & Greenspace LEGEND: I N T E R S T A T E 6 5 E A S T M A I N S T ./C O B B S F O R D R D . H W Y . 1 4 W E S T U S 3 1 S O U T H U S 8 2 U P P E R K I N G S T O N