1508 - August 20 Planning & Development Department 102 West Main Street  Prattville, Alabama 36067  334-595-0500  334 -361-3677 Facsimile planning.prattvilleal.gov C ITY O F P RA TTV ILLE P LA N N IN G C OMM IS S IO N A GEN D A August 20, 2015 3:00pm Call to Order: Roll Call: Mayor Gillespie, Councilman Whiteside, Chairman Smith, Vice-Chairman Gardner, Chief Johnson, Mrs. Carpenter, Mr. Hindman, Mr. McAuley, and Mr. Nelson. Minutes: Old Business: 1. Preliminary Plat: Oak Creek Plat 3 Location: Dunvegan & Portree Drive Owner: Magna Development & Builders, LLC Engineer/Representative: Larry Speaks & Associates Held 3/19, 4/16, 5/21, 6/18 District 1 2. Zoning: M-1 (Light Industrial) Horace Davis Property Location: County Road 4 at Jensen Road Petitioner: Horace Davis Representative: Larry E. Speaks & Associates Held 5/21, 6/18, 7/16 District 2 New Business: 3. Preliminary Plat: Riverchase North Plat 7A (Time Extension) Location: Riverton Drive Owner: Chandler Eskridge Engineer/Representative: Larry Speaks & Associates District 3 4. Preliminary Plat: Pecan Grove (Time Extension) Location: Ridgewood Road Owner: Chandler Eskridge Engineer/Representative: Larry Speaks & Associates Districts 2 & 3 5. Re-Plat: Mountain Lakes Plat 1-B Location: 708 Fountain Lane Owner: Robert G. & Rita M. Nichols Representative: Jarvis & Associates District 1 Miscellaneous: Adjourn: Approved 11/19/15 CITY OF PRATTVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES August 20, 2015 Call to Order: Chairman Tim Smith called the meeting to order at 3:03 p.m. Roll Call: The secretary called roll. Present: Mayor Bill Gillespie, Jr., Chairman Tim Smith, Vice-Chairman Reuben Gardner, Mr. Roy McAuley, Mrs. Paula Carpenter, and Mr. Bobby Nelson. Absent: Councilor Gary Whiteside, Mr. Mark Hindman, and Chief Dallis Johnson. (Quorum present.) Staff Present:Mr. Joel Duke, City Planner, and Cathy Dickerson, City Clerk. Minutes: No minutes were presented for approval. Old Business: 1.Preliminary Plat:Oak Creek Plat 3 Location:Dunvegan &Portree Drive Owner:Magna Development &Builders,LLC Engineer/Representative:Larry Speaks &Associates Mr. Duke stated that the preliminary plat of Oak Creek Plat 3 had been held several times for minor issues and a concern regarding sufficient water pressure to meet Fire Department guidelines. The Water Board has been working on the issue and Buddy Buckner called Mr. Duke to report that the issue has been solved.Mr. Duke explained that the item could be approved with conditions or held until Chief Johnson has an opportunity to review. The applicant will need to give permission to hold again.Mr. Greg Gillian of Larry Speaks & Associates,representative for the petition, gave permission to hold. Mr. Nelson made a motion to hold until the September 15, 2015 meeting and Mrs. Carpenter seconded the motion. The motion to hold was adopted with a 6/0 vote. 2.Zoning: M-1 (Light Industrial) Horace Davis Property Location: County Road 4 at Jensen Road Engineer/Representative:Larry Speaks &Associates Mr. Duke stated the rezoning request was held to allow the petitioner Horace Davis to create a formal sketch plan and to conduct a public hearing on the revised proposal to zone the property. The revised zoning request of R-3, Single Family Residential, B-1, Neighborhood Commercial, and M-1, Light Industrial,is more palatable to the neighborhood. In order to properly advertise the new proposal, this item must hold until the September 17, 2015 meeting. Procedurally there was not enough time to advertise the request prior to this meeting. Mrs. Carpenter made a motion to introduce a substitute resolution and Mr. Nelson seconded the motion. The motion was adopted by with a 6/0 vote. Mr. McAuley made a motion to hold the resolution until a public hearing is held on September 17, 2015 and Mr. Nelson seconded the motion.The motion to hold until the public hearing was adopted with a 6/0 vote. New Business: 3.Preliminary Plat:Riverchase North Plat 7A (Time Extension) Location:Riverton Drive Owner:Chandler Eskridge Engineer/Representative:Larry Speaks &Associates Approved 11/19/15 Mr. Duke stated that over the last two years,the Planning Commission has extended approval of the preliminary plat. The petitioner is requesting an additional one year time extension and the staff has no problem granting this extension for another one year period. Mr. McAuley made a motion to grant the one year time extension as requested and Mr. Nelson seconded the motion. Mr. Gardner called for the question. The motion was adopted by a 6/0 vote. 4.Preliminary Plat:Pecan Grove (Time Extension) Location:Ridgewood Road Owner:Chandler Eskridge Engineer/Representative:Larry Speaks &Associates Mr. Duke state that in 2013 and 2014, the Planning Commission extended approval of the preliminary plat for a one year period. The petitioner is requesting an additional one year time extension and the staff recommends approval of another one year period. Mr. Greg Gillian, Larry Speaks and Associates,explained that the city’s sports complex and the urban management offices are located along Ridgewood Road.These nine lots are located in the northwestern section of Camellia estates and the petitioner is very motivated to move on it. Mayor Gillespie made a motion to grant the one year time extension as requested and Mr. McAuley seconded the motion. The motion was adopted by a 6/0 vote. 5.Re-Plat:Mountain Lakes Plat 1-B Location:708 Fountain Lane Owner:Robert G.&Rita M.Nichols Representative:Jarvis &Associates Robert and Rita Nichols own a home located on one lot and requested to build a detached garage on the adjacent vacant lot. The property owners are required to re-plat the property into one lot in order to build an accessory structure. The staff recommends approval of the request to re-plat. Mr. McAuley made a motion to grant the request to re -plat lots 5 and 6 of the Mountain Lake Subdivision, Plat 1, into a single lot and Mrs. Carpenter seconded the motion. The motion was adopted by a 6/0 vote. 6.Proposed Amendment –Article 6, Prattville Zoning Ordinance Mr. Duke stated that Article 6,Section 63, Swimming and Wading Pools, of the Zoning Ordinance, established regulations for the placement and configuration of pools constructed within the City of Prattville. The required height fence height listed in Section 63 conflicts with the adopted International Property Maintenance Code, 2009 edition. The staff recommends that the Planning Commission make a recommendation to the Prattville City Council to amend Article 6, Section 63, to remove the conflicting language regarding fence height and to maintain the requirement that the pool be constructed no closer than ten feet from any property line. Mr. Smith made a motion to recommend to the City Council to amend Article 6, Section 63, and Mr. Gardner seconded the motion. The motion was adopted by a 6/0 vote. Mr. McAuley made a motion to hold the resolution until a public hearing is held on October 15, 2015 and Mr. Nelson seconded the motion. The motion to hold was adopted by a 6/0 vote. 7. Proposed Amendment –Article 4, Prattville Zoning Ordinance Mr. Duke recommended that the Planning Commission make a recommendation to the Prattville City Council to amend Article 4 of the Prattville Zoning Ordinance with the adoption of a 365-day rule, restricting consideration by the Prattville Planning Commission or City Council of another application to change zoning district classification of the same parcel property for a period of 365 calendar days from the day the City Council takes action on the rezoning. Mr. Duke explained that is unclear to the City Attorney whether this process was previously adopted by the City Council. Mayor Gillespie called this a housekeeping matter. Mayor Gillespie made a motion to recommend to the City Council to amend Article 4, Prattville Zoning Ordinance, with the adoption of a 365-day rule as outlined and Mr. Nelson seconded the motion. The motion was adopted by a 6/0 vote. Approved 11/19/15 Mr. Nelson made a motion to hold the resolution until a public hearing is held on October 15, 2015 and Mr. McAuley seconded the motion. The motion to hold was adopted by a 6/0 vote. Miscellaneous Business: Mr. Duke presented the Martin Luther King Drive Neighborhood Plan for consideration as an amendment to the City’s Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Duke explained that the Planning Commission can adopt this neighborhood plan in total or adopt just portions of the plan. Adoption of the neighborhood plan will take six (6) affirmative votes of the Planning Commission following a public hearing. Mr. McAuley asked if this plan will change anything in the current Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Duke explained that the Neighborhood Plan will provide additional detail at the neighborhood level. Mr. Duke discussed the recent Supreme Court decision of Reed v. Town of Gilbert, AZ and its effect on the ability of local government to adopt signage regulations. Sign ordinances will need to be amended to become content neutral. Mr. D uke would like to bring the Chamber of Commerce into this discussion in order to include the regulated community. The most impacted change from the current sign ordinance will be political campaign signs. Mr. Duke discussed Act 2014-13, which requires local government to consult military bases within a two (2) miles radius from any property impacted before adoption of land use ordinances. Mr. Duke discussed Action 2015-361, which requires that any alterations to a police jurisdiction based upon the annexation or deannexation of property shall be effective only once a year on the first day of January and shall take effect for any annexation or deannexation which was finalized on or before the preceding first day of October. Mr. Duke will set a calendar reminder for October. The City Council has not annexed property for several years, but is currently annexing property into the city limits. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 3:53 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cathy Dickerson City Clerk Planning & Development Department 102 West Main Street  Prattville, Alabama 36067  334-595-0500  334 -361-3677 Facsimile planning.prattvilleal.gov MEMORANDUM DATE: August 17, 2015 TO: Prattville Planning Commission FROM: Joel T. Duke, City Planner RE: August 20, 2015 - Agenda Please accept this memorandum as the Planning Department staff report for items on the August 20, 2015 agenda. 1. Preliminary Plat – Oak Creek, Plat 3 – Dunvegan Drive and Portree Drive: In July 2002, the Planning Commission granted approval for the sketch plan of the Oak Creek Subdivision. The initial phase of 54 lots extending Live Oak Drive from Court Street to Upper Kingston Road was completed in January 2005. In July 2007, the Commission approved a request by Mack Post to revise the initial sketch plan to reconfigure the remaining 52 acres north of Live Oak Drive into 115 single-family lots zoned R-3. At the March 2015 Commission meeting, Magna Development and Builders, LLC proposed development of 49 of the sketch plan lots in two separate preliminary plats. The first plat (Plat 2) contained two lots and a short street extension on the north end of Portree Drive. The Commission granted approval for the Plat 2 on March 19, 2015. The second plat (Plat 3) contains 47 lots on extensions of Dunvegan Drive and Portree Drive. The street and lot layouts are consistent with the approved sketch plan. After discussion regarding the availability of water pressure and flow, the Commission elected to hold the request until the April meeting. The plat was held at the request of the applicant at the April 16, May 21, and June 18 meetings. At this time, the applicant and the Prattville Water Works Board are working to address the water pressure question. 2. Zoning: M-1 (Light Industrial) - Horace Davis Property - County Road 4 at Jensen Road: The request to rezone 230 acres south of County Road 4 was tabled and sent to committee following a public hearing on May 21. A subcommittee (Hindman, Gardner, and August 17, 2015 Planning Commission Page 2 Smith) met with the petitioner on June 16 to review the request and discuss alternatives. As recommended by the Commission committee, the zoning request was held on June 18 so that the applicant could create a formal sketch plan and meet again with committee on July 7. At the July 16 meeting, the Committee recommended holding the request until August 20 and conducting a public hearing on the Davis’ revised proposal to zone the property R-3, B- 2 and M-1. In order to properly advertise the new proposal, this item must hold until the September 17 meeting. The sketch plan and revised zoning proposal will be considered at that time. Staff requests that the resolution be amended to replace the description and map, listed as Attachments A and B, with the Davis’ new proposal and then held until the meeting on September 17. 3. Preliminary Plat: Riverchase North Subdivision, Plat 7A – west end of Riverton Drive, south of Glennbrooke, Plat 1: On August 16, 2012, the petitioner received Planning Commission approval for the subject preliminary plat containing 15, R-2 zoned residential lots on an extension of Riverton Drive. On September 19, 2013 and September 18, 2014, the Commission extended approval of the preliminary plat for a one year periods. The petitioner is requesting an additional one year time extension. Staff recommends approval of the time extension of another one year period due to the interconnectivity provided if the preliminary plat is completed. 4. Preliminary Plat: Pecan Grove Subdivision, Plat 1 – north side of Ridgewood Road, west of Mt. Airy Drive: On August 16, 2012, the petitioner received Planning Commission approval for the subject preliminary plat containing 10, R-2 zoned residential lots on the north side of Ridgewood Road. On September 19, 2013 and September 18, 2014, the Commission extended approval of the preliminary plat for a one year period. The petitioner is requesting an additional one year time extension. Staff recommends approval of the time extension of another one year period. 5. Re-Plat: Mountain Lakes Subdivision, Plat 1-B – 708 Fountain Lane: Robert G. and Rita M. Nichols request permission to replat Lots 5 and 6 of the Mountain Lakes Subdivision, Plat 1 into a single lot. Staff recommends approval. 6. Miscellaneous Items: Due to the brevity of your agenda, I will be requesting time under “Miscellaneous” to discuss the following items: a. Amendment – Zoning Ordinance, Section 63 – please see enclosed memorandum. b. Amendment – Zoning Ordinance, Section 43 – please see enclosed memorandum. August 17, 2015 Planning Commission Page 3 c. Amendment – Prattville Comprehensive Plan – Martin Luther King Drive Neighborhood Revitalization Plan – copy enclosed. d. Reed v. Town of Gilbert, AZ – Impacts to Municipal Sign Ordinances – U.S. Supreme Court decision enclosed. e. State of Alabama, Act 2014-13 – Notification and Comment by Military Installations – copy enclosed. f. State of Alabama, Act 2015-361 – Police and Planning Jurisdiction Enforcement Revisions – copy enclosed. If you have any questions concerning these items, please do not hesitate to contact me or stop by the office. H W Y 1 4 E T R O L L E Y R D A S H T O N O A K D R OV ER TO N D R GLENNBROOKE BLVD BENSON ST RIVERTON DR B L U E G R A S S D R O L D R I D G E R D N O L D F A R M L N N MEADOWVIEW LN C A L U M E T P K W Y A R VIN D W Y T R O T T E R T R L S Y D N E Y D R S GLENNBROOKE LN E S S E X S T ASHTON OAK CT K E N T U C K Y C T S U M M I T P K W Y K E N A L A Y C T D O C K E R Y C T R I V E R C H A S E N B L V D CALUMET PKWY Legend Riverchase North 7 Streets County Tax Parcels 1 inch = 400 feet µ Attachment 1 LOCATION MAP CITY OF PRATTVILLEPLANNING COMMISSION Riverchase North 7 Subdivision VICINITY MAP PRATTVILLE, AL MTN. LAKES 1 1 JAR V I S A S S O C . Note: This survey is not valid without the signature and seal of the surveyor in responsible charge of performing the work affixed hereon. MOUNTAIN LAKES PLAT NO. 1-B PLAT 1-B FINAL PLAT STATE OF ALABAMA AUTAUGA COUNTY Begin at a found 5/8" rebar with no cap known as the Northeast Corner of Lot 6, Mountain Lakes Plat No. 1 as recorded in 0DS%RRNDW3DJHLQWKH2IILFHRIWKH-XGJHRI3UREDWH$XWDXJD&RXQW\$ODEDPDWKH6ƒ : WRDVHW UHEDUZLWKFDS&$/6 -DUYLV WKHQFH1ƒ : WRDIRXQGUHEDUZLWKQRFDSORFDWHGRQWKHHDVW right-of-way (50') of Fountain Lane; thence along said east right-of-way the following three (3) courses: (1.) Chord Bearing 1ƒ (&KRUG'LVWDQFH 5DGLXV WRDIRXQGUHEDUZLWKQRFDS  &KRUG%HDULQJ1ƒ : &KRUG'LVWDQFH 5DGLXV WRDVHW;PDUNLQFRQFUHWH  1ƒ : WRDIRXQGUHEDUZLWKQR FDSWKHQFHOHDYLQJVDLGULJKWRIZD\6ƒ ( WRWKHSRLQWRIEHJLQQLQJ PLAT NOTES: All utility, private drainage and private access easements shown hereon, if any, are for the use of any utility which may require them and for surface drainage as needed. These easements include the rights of ingress and egress for the maintenance of the property, facilities and apparatus included therein. Installation and maintenance of the property in these easements are not the responsibility of the City or County of Prattville, Alabama. All easements or rights of way, except utility, private drainage and private access easements, shown on this plat, if any, are hereby dedicated the the City and/or County of Prattville, Alabama for public use. Easements include the rights of ingress and egress by City and County employees for maintenance of the property included in these easements. Easements for water mains, if any, if not previously dedicated, are hereby dedicated to the Water Works Board of the City of Prattville, Alabama, its successors and assigns, for ingress and egress in the installation and maintenance of water lines and their appurtenances. Easements for sanitary sewer, if any, if not previously dedicated, are hereby dedicated to the City of Prattville, Alabama, its successors and assigns, for ingress and egress in the installation and maintenance of sanitary sewers and their appurtenances. Maintenance of streets, water lines and public drainage shall not be undertaken by the City of Prattville, the Prattville Water Works Board or Autauga County until such easements, appurtenances or facilities are accepted for maintenance by specific action of the City Council, the Water Works Board or the County Commission. Streets shown hereon, if not previously dedicated, are hereby tendered for dedication to public use. No permanent structure may be placed over any part of any easement. C: \ U s e r s \ J a r v i s \ A p p D a t a \ L o c a l \ A u t o d e s k \ A u t o d e s k S y n c \ C l o u d \ j a r v i s @ k n o l o g y . n e t \ A u t o m a t i c C o p y \ D R I V E ( B W S 0 3 5 8 8 ) \ U s e r s \ J a r v i s \ D o c u m e n t s \ 0 6 - 1 8 - 1 5 ( L R J ) G L E N N N I C H O L S R E P L A T _ r e c o v e r . d w g , N I C H O L S P L A T , 0 6 / 2 9 / 1 5 8 : 1 1 : 5 5 P M , J a r v i s , 1 : 1 , ( L R J )