1511 - November 19 Planning & Development Department 102 West Main Street  Prattville, Alabama 36067  334-595-0500  334 -361-3677 Facsimile planning.prattvilleal.gov C ITY O F P RA TTV ILLE P LA N N IN G C OMM IS S IO N A GEN D A November 19, 2015 3:00pm Call to Order: Roll Call: Mayor Gillespie, Councilman Whiteside, Chairman Smith, Vice-Chairman Gardner, Chief Johnson, Mrs. Carpenter, Mr. Hindman, Mr. McAuley, and Mr. Nelson. Minutes: August 20, 2015 and October 15, 2015 Old Business: 1. Preliminary Plat: Oak Creek Plat 3 Location: Dunvegan & Portree Drive Owner: Magna Development & Builders, LLC Engineer/Representative: Larry Speaks & Associates Held 3/19, 4/16, 5/21, 6/18, 8/20 District 1 New Business: 2. Re-Plat: Hearthstone Estates Phase 2-A Location: 979 & 981 Fireside Drive Owners: David and Evelyn Brown Engineers/Representative: Alabama Land Surveyors, Inc. District 7 3. Sketch Plan: Patriot Farms Location: Old Ridge Road Owners: SMB Lands, LLC Engineers/Representative: Barrett Simpson, Inc. District 3 Miscellaneous: Adjourn: Approved 1/21/16 Prattville Planning Commission November 19, 2015 Page 1 of 2 CITY OF PRATTVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES November 19, 2015 Call to order: Chairman Tim Smith called the meeting to order at 3:08 p.m. Roll Call: The secretary called the roll.Present:Councilman Gary Whiteside,Chairman Tim Smith,Chief Dallis Johnson,Mrs. Paula Carpenter, Mr. Mark Hindman,and Mr. Bobby Nelson.Absent: Mayor Bill Gillespie,Vice-Chairman Reuben Gardner,and Mr.Roy McAuley. (Quorum present) Staff present:Mr.Joel Duke,City Planner and Ms.Alisa Morgan, Secretary. Minutes: Chief Johnson moved to approve the minutes of the August 20, 2015 and October 15, 2015 meetings. Mr.Nelson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Old Business: 1.Preliminary Plat: Oak Creek Plat 3 Location: Dunvegan & Portree Drive Owner: Magna Development & Builders, LLC Engineer/Representative: Larry Speaks & Associates Mr. Duke presented preliminary plat of Oak Creek Plat 3. He stated that the plat was held several times. He stated that the questions regarding fire flow had been addressed sufficiently. In the absence of a representative, he recommended denial of approval. The motion to approve was denied unanimously. New Business: 2.Re-Plat: Hearthstone Estates Phase 2-A Location: 979 & 981 Fireside Drive Owners: David and Evelyn Brown Engineers/Representative: Alabama Land Surveyors, Inc. Mr.Duke recommended approval of the re-plat of Hearthstone Estate Phase 2-A combining lot 33 and lot 34 into one lot, creating lot 33A. Mrs.Carpenter moved to approve the re-plat of Hearthstone Estates Phase 2-A 979 and 981 Fireside Drive as presented. Mr. Nelson seconded the motion. The motion to approve passed unanimously. 3.Sketch Plan: Patriot Farms Location: Old Ridge Road Owners: SMB Lands, LLC Engineers/Representative: Barrett Simpson, Inc. Approved 1/21/16 Prattville Planning Commission November 19, 2015 Page 2 of 2 Mrs. Carpenter introduced a resolution recommending approval of the sketch plan of Patriot Farms and moved for its approval. Chief Johnson seconded the motion. Blake Rice of SMB Lands, LLC, petitioner’s representative, introduced the plan for a 230 lot subdivision north east of Glennbrooke Subdivision. He stated that the proposed subdivision is a different layout that Glennbrooke Subdivision, proposing no R-5 type with zero lot line. Portions of the property are inside city limits and some are outside city limits. He stated that rezoning and annexation request will follow if proposed sketch plan is approved. Mr. Duke presented the staff report for the sketch plan of Patriot Farms.He stated that the 93 acre sketch plan proposes R-3 zoning for the entire subdivision which poses no issue except for the 100’wide power line easement along the rear property lines of lots 9-26 and the billboard access at lot 235. He stated that the B-1 zoning must remain for lot 235 to allow for 2002 BZA approval for billboards.He further stated that the lots are configured around and accessible by 6 new residential streets. The streets provide two intersections with Old Ridge Road (Street A and Street F). The new street layout does not provide connections to the 117 acre tract to the north and west. Mr. Rice addressed the comments of the staff report stating that there is no issue with leaving lot 235 as B-1 and there is no issue with aligning the roads to meet connectivity to adjacent property. He stated that lot 9 is dedicated as an amenity lot for a clubhouse or pool, and lot 57 is dedicated amenity lot for storm water retention. Mrs. Carpenter moved to hold the request. Mr. Hindman seconded the motion. The motion to hold passed unanimously. Chairman Smith along with Chief Johnson and Mrs. Carpenter was appointed to a subcommittee to review issues related to amenity lots, power lines and billboards, and connectivity related to the sketch plan of Patriot Farms. Miscellaneous Business: Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Alisa Morgan,Secretary Prattville Planning Commission RESOLUTION Preliminary Plat Oak Creek Subdivision Plat #3 March 19, 2015 Whereas,Magna Development & Builder, LLC,is the owner of Oak Creek Subdivision Plat 3;and Whereas,the proposed development is located inside the Prattville city limits at Dunvegan Drive and Portree Drive; and Whereas,the revised sketch plan of the proposed development was approved on July 19, 2007; and Whereas,the initial preliminary plat of the proposed development was approved November 1, 2007 with contingencies; and Whereas,a public hearing for the proposed development was heard March 19, 2015; and Whereas,the city Department Heads have reviewed and commented on the proposed development. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved,that the City Of Prattville Planning Commission hereby gives its favorable review of the submitted preliminary plat of Oak Creek Subdivision Plat 3. Approved: ________________________________________________________________ Tim Smith,Chairman ________________________________________________________________ Alisa Morgan, Secretary The motion to approve was DENIED unanimously. 3/19/15 ^ϴϱΣϱϮΖϰϱΗ76.84' E ϴ ϳ Σ ϯ ϭ Ζ Ϭ ϳ Η  7 7 . 7 6 ' A L S - 0 1 7 3 A L S - 0 1 7 3 A L S - 0 1 7 3 A L S - 0 1 7 3 A L S - 0 1 7 3 1/2" REBAR, NO CAP1/2" REBAR, NO CAP P I N F O U N D S E T A T B A C K O F 1 0 ' U T I L I T Y E A S E M E N T D U E T O F I R E H Y D R A N T D E E R W O O D S U B D I V I S I O N M P . 3 , P G . 9 4 (BLOCK 9)CORRECTED MAPDEERWOOD PLAT 3PART "A" PB. 4, PG. 1160' APCOEASEMENT 1 0 ' U T I L I T Y E A S E M E N T 3 5 ' B U I L D I N G L I N E E ϴ ϴ Σ ϯ ϵ Ζ Ϭ ϲ Η  1 7 8 . 0 5 ' ^ϬϬΣϯϳΖϮϲΗ137.90' EϬϬΣϮϯΖϱϯΗ81.33' E ϱ ϵ Σ ϭ ϲ Ζ ϯ ϳ Η t 2 4 5 . 9 1 ' P R O P E R T Y L I N E R E M O V E D B Y T H I S R E P L A T A L S - 0 1 7 3   с ^ ϳ Ϯ Σ ϯ ϳ Ζ Ϯ ϲ Η t C D = 8 0 . 7 4 ' A = 8 1 . 7 5 '  с ϯ ϭ Σ ϭ ϯ Ζ ϯ ϭ Η R = 1 5 0 . 0 0 '   с ^ ϰ ϰ Σ Ϯ ϭ Ζ ϭ ϰ Η t C D = 6 5 . 7 2 ' A = 6 6 . 2 6 '  с Ϯ ϱ Σ ϭ ϴ Ζ Ϯ ϵ Η R = 1 5 0 . 0 0 ' L O T 3 3 A 1 . 1 6 + / - A C R E S 4 9 , 1 9 5 . 2 + / - S . F . F I R E S I D E D R I V E ( 5 0 ' R O W ) HEARTHSTONE ESTATES PHASE 2- A BEING A REPLAT OF LOTS 33 AND 34 OF HEARTHSTONEESTATES, PHASE 2 AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 2007, PAGE24 IN THE OFFICE OF THE JUDGE OF PROBATE OF AUTAUGACOUNTY, ALABAMA. SAID PARCEL LIES IN THE EAST HALF OFTHE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 17NORTH, RANGE 16 EAST, AUTAUGA COUNTY, ALABAMA.Alabama Land Surveyors, Inc.752 S Memorial Drive, Prattville, AL 36067334-264-0266 www.alabamalandsurveyors.usNO.DATEREVISIONSSHEET TITLE:OF AS SHOWN REPLAT10/19/201510/20/2015 010101 HEARTHSTONE PHA S E 2 - A PRATTVILLE, ALABA M A LOT 33ASHEET NUMBER:ALABAMA LAND SURVEYOR'S, INC. COPYRIGHT 2008-2015, ALL RI G H T R E S E R V E D SURVEY END DATE:DRAWING SCALE:DRAWING END DATE:‹ V I C I N I T Y M A P N T S S I T E MONUMENTATIONS ABBREVIATIONSABBREVIATION S FIP - FOUND IRON PIN AC - ACRES / SQ. FT. - SQUARE FEET CONC - CONCR E T E SIP - SET IRON PIN (ALS-0173) (XX.XX) - RECORDED DISTANCE / BEARING DRAIN - DRAIN A G E CP - CALCULATED POINT XX.XX - FIELD MEASURED DISTANCE / BEARINGPB: - PLAT BOO K CM - CONCRETE MONUMENT ROW - RIGHT OF WAYDB: - DEED BOO K FP - FENCE POST UTIL. - UTILITYPG: - PAGE ESM'T. - EASEMENTLINE TYPESEASEMENT LINEFENCE LINE ADJOINING PROPERTY RIGHT OF WAY LINEROWROWROWROWROWROW XXXXX B A S I S O F B E A R I N G : M A P H A S B E E N R O T A T E D T O M A T C H T H E S A M E B E A R I N G S A S R E C O R D E D I N T H E O F F I C E O F T H E J U D G E O F P R O B A T E , A U T A U G A C O U N T Y , A L A B A M A I N S O U R C E O F I N F O R M A T I O N : F O L L O W I N G D E E D S A N D O R P L A T S R E C O R D E D I N A U T A U G A C O U N T Y , A L A B A M A : - P L A T B O O K 2 0 0 7 , P A G E 2 4 - A U T A U G A C O U N T Y T A X M A P S S T A T E O F A L A B A M A A U T A U G A C O U N T Y I , J A M E S D . M O N K , A P R O F E S S I O N A L L A N D S U R V E Y O R O F A L A B A M A , H E R E B Y C E R T I F Y T H A T A L L P A R T S O F T H I S S U R V E Y A N D D R A W I N G H A V E B E E N C O M P L E T E D I N A C C O R D A N C E W I T H T H E C U R R E N T R E Q U I R E M E N T S O F T H E C U R R E N T S T A N D A R D S O F P R A C T I C E O F S U R V E Y I N G I N T H E S T A T E O F A L A B A M A T O T H E B E S T O F M Y K N O W L E D G E , I N F O R M A T I O N A N D B E L I E F . I N W I T N E S S W H E R E O F , I H A V E H E R E U N T O S E T M Y S I G N A T U R E A N D S E A L T H I S T H E 2 0 T H D A Y O F O C T O B E R , 2 0 1 5 . J A M E S D . M O N K , P . L . S , A L A B A M A L I C E N S E N O . 3 4 7 6 3 T H E U N D E R S I G N E D , A S A U T H O R I Z E D B Y T H E P R A T T V I L L E W A T E R W O R K S B O A R D O F T H E C I T Y O F P R A T T V I L L E , A L A B A M A , H E R E B Y A C C E P T S T H E W I T H I N P L A T F O R T H E R E C O R D I N G O F T H E S A M E I N T H E P R O B A T E O F F I C E O F A U T A U G A C O U N T Y , A L A B A M A . T H I S T H E D A Y O F , 2 0 1 5 . P R A T T V I L L E W A T E R W O R K S B O A R D C E R T I F I C A T E O F T H E P R A T T V I L L E W A T E R W O R K S B O A R D N CITY OF PRATTVILLE Planning Commission Planning Department Staff Report SKETCH PLAN/ APPLICATION Patriot Farms Subdivision Sketch Plan – 1500019 DATE November 18, 2015 PROPOSED DEVLOPMENT Petitioner: Stone Martin Builders Property Owner: Avant Agent: Barrett-Simpson, Inc. Location: North side of Old Ridge Road, between the two access drives to East Memorial Baptist Church. Adjacent to north phase of the existing Glennbrooke Subdivision sketch plan. (See Attachment A) Development Status and History Submission Status: Initial subdivision submission for 93.38 acre tract. (Currently held in the four parcels identified by Autauga County Revenue Office parcel numbers: 10072600000170000, 10073500000040010, 10073500000040070, and 10073500000040060.) Portions of the property were annexed in 2002 at the request of the property owner. With exception of frontage on I-65, which is zoned B-1 to accommodate the installation of billboard signs, that portion located in the city limits is zoned FAR. Previous Approvals: No previous subdivision requests for the tract. Portion fronting Interstate 65 was zoned B-1 in 2002 to accommodate installation of billboard signs. Conditions of Previous Approvals: No previous Planning Commission or development conditions other than the BZA use-on-appeal/variance for billboard installation. Property Configuration Page 2 of 6 Acreage: 93.38 acres Proposed Number of Lots and Configuration: Property is presently divided into cultivated fields and wooded, undeveloped areas. The cultivated fields are contained on a 10.5 acre tract and a 38.5 acre tract near Old Ridge Road. The wooded areas correspond with drainageways and areas of steep slope on the northern portion of the property. The property also contains four billboard signs fronting Interstate 65. The illuminated signs range in height from 44’ to 74’. Adjacent to the signs and running parallel to and the length of the interstate frontage is an Alabama Power Company transmission line in a 100’ wide easement. The property is bounded by Interstate 65 to the east, Old Ridge Road to the south, and 117 acre undeveloped, wooded parcel to the north. The proposed sketch plan creates 228 residential lots and streets on roughly the southern two-thirds of the property. The northern portion of the property corresponding with the steep slopes and drainageways are reserved in a common amenity lot. The sketch plan proposes R-3 zoning for the entire subdivision. The typical lot dimensions of 60’ – 65’ and 150’ – 175’ deep meets the 7,500 square foot minimum area and 60’ minimum lot width required by R-3 zoning. Lots having double frontage (front and rear) with a new subdivision street and the interstate or Old Farm Lane are provided additional depth. The lots are configured around and accessible by 6 new residential streets. The streets provide two intersections with Old Ridge Road (Street A and Street F). The new street layout does not provide connections to the 117 acre tract to the north and west. The sketch plan places the 4 billboards in a non-buildable lot 60’ x 1,500’ lot adjacent to the interstate. The Alabama Power transmission line and 100’ wide easement are placed along the rear property lines of lots 9 through 26. The sketch plan also includes 6 other non-buildable lots identified as “Amenity”. These include two on either side of the two intersections with Old Ridge Road (Streets A and F), an approximately 1.5 acre parcel on Street B with frontage on Old Ridge Road, and a single approximately 20 acre parcel covering the northern portion of the tract. Page 3 of 6 Proposed Uses: 228 Single-family residential lots zoned R-3. Consistency with Adopted Future Land Use Plan The Future Land Plan/Map in Section 2.2 of the Prattville Comprehensive Plan adopted by the Planning Commission on January 21, 2010 shows the subject property as Low Density Residential. Section 2.2 states that, “Low Density Residential refers to single family homes on single lots, usually at least one- sixth of an acre or larger. These lots have front, side and rear setbacks, and will only in very rare cases abut a land use other than single-family or greenspace. Target densities would not exceed eight units per acre.” The presented site plan proposes a density of 3.5 units per acre on the developed portion of the tract and a density of 2.5 units per acre over the entire 93.38 acres. The layout and the expected request for R-3 zoning are consistent with the adopted land use plan. Current Zoning: Only the northern 72 acres ± of the property are located in the Prattville city limits. The majority is zoned FAR, Forest, Agricultural and Recreation. A portion corresponding with the proposed Lot 235 and the 4 existing billboard signs is zoned B-1, Local Shopping. The remaining 21 acres are located outside the city limits and cannot be zoned by the city. Required Zoning: The requested sketch plan layout requires a rezoning from FAR to R-3 to accommodate the proposed 228 residential lots. The existing B-1 designation or another business district must remain for Lot 235 in order for the billboard use to continue as a permitted use-on-appeal. The applicant has not submitted an annexation petition or application for rezoning at this time. Page 4 of 6 Surrounding Developments and Uses: North/West: 117 acre, undeveloped tract and 5 parcels located on a private street (Ricky Drive); all located outside the city limits. South: Old Ridge Road, future phases of the Glennbrooke Subdivision, and East Memorial Baptist Church/East Memorial Christian Academy; all presently zoned FAR. East: Interstate 65 – No zoning Street Extensions or New Streets: The lots are configured around and accessible by 6 new residential streets. The streets provide two intersections with Old Ridge Road (Street A and Street F). The new street layout does not provide connections to the adjacent 117 acre tract. Water and Sewer: Adequate potable water service is available to the site from the Prattville Water Works Board. Mains are available for extension from Old Ridge Road and adjacent developments. A City of Prattville sanitary sewer main was extended to the property during the last decade and terminated near the southeast corner. In addition, sewer mains are being extended through the adjacent Glennbrooke development. The site is located in the basin serviced by the Pine Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. Sufficient treatment capacity exists at this time for the proposed development. Adequacy of the Pine Creek interceptor system should be closely examined by the Planning Commission when the Patriot Farms subdivision is presented for preliminary plat review and approval. Unique Features: The existing 45’ and 75’ tall billboard signs and the Alabama Power Company transmission lines located adjacent to or as a part of Lots 9 – 2. PLANNING STAFF EVALUATION Reviewed by: Joel T. Duke, AICP City Planner Site Visits Conducted: Various times – November 2015 Page 5 of 6 Recommendation: Request that a Planning Commission committee be appointed to review issues related to amenity areas, power lines and billboards, and connectivity. Staff Comments: The following items should be addressed by the Commission prior to approval: Consistency with Glennbrooke Subdivision Sketch Plan. As shown on Attachment B, the proposed Patriot Farms subdivision is located just north of the seventh phase of the Glennbrooke Subdivision on the opposition side of Old Ridge Road. The Glennbrooke sketch shows a central street from phase seven intersecting Old Ridge Road near the in the Patriot Farms Street F. These two streets should align. The adjustment may be made to either sketch plan. Amenity Areas. The proposed sketch plan includes two significant amenity areas. The first, listed as Lot 9, is located in the southeast corner of the site. The 1.5 acre lot appears to be a neighborhood oriented recreational area. Given the 228 lots, the density of the subdivision, and the distance and inaccessibility to the 10 acre park proposed with the Glennbrooke subdivision, the amenity lot should be centrally located in the development and increased in size. The second amenity area, listed as Lot 57, covers 20 acres is in the northern portion of the tract. The lot consist of steep slopes and drainageways. While not indicated on the sketch plan, this area is likely the location for any necessary stormwater detention. Access to the lot is limited to a 20’ wide, 100’ long corridor intersecting Street F between Lots 52 and 53. If the area is intended for use by the general public or other neighborhood as a natural recreation area or park, additional access points are needed. In addition, the access should be easily located and designed to minimize impacts on adjacent lots and encourage use by the public. Billboards and Powerlines. The proposed sketch plan seeks to preserve the two existing developments on the property without consideration for their potential impact on the new residential lots. Care should be taken to lessen or eliminate any negative impacts in the design and layout of the lots. Arguably, the billboards, their illumination, and their height present the greatest negative impact. The proposed lot layout places them in their own non- residential lot separated from the housing units by the 100’ deep power easement. The easement provides needed separation, however, the power company’s restrictions against trees in their easement limits opportunities for screening. In an effort to accommodate the power easement, but preserve the number of lots, the easement is included as a part of Lots 9 – 26. If the power easement is shifted to the billboard lot (Lot 235), then rear lines of Lots 9 – 26 would be available for developer or homeowner to create a vegetated screen. In addition, the owners of Lots 10 -26 would not be forced to pay ad valorem taxes on property they cannot improve or vegetate. Page 6 of 6 COMMENTS FROM OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS FIRE DEPARTMENT: 1. Dead end Street “B” is over 1000 ft., and has over 30 homes. City ordinance restricts dead end roads to 1,000 maximum without a waiver. Section D-107 of IFC 2009 limits 30 dwellings to a single access road unless all homes are protected with a NFPA13R systems. 2. Will need hydrant detail that complies with City Ordinance, Hydrant at each intersection. Maximum distance between hydrants 800 feet, and 400 ft. maximum in a single direction. ENGINEERNG DEPARTMENT: 1. Show street connection to the north. 2. Consider traffic calming devices on longer streets. 3. Indicate stormwater management areas. ATTACHMENTS A. Location Map B. Proposed Sketch Plan C. Proposed Patriot Farms in relation to approved Glennbrooke Sub. Sketch plan D. Future Land Use Map - 2010 CITY-WIDE PLANSS e c t i o n 2 . 2 P R O J E C T PRAT T VILLE THE N EXT CHAPTER P R O J E C T PRATTVILLE2.11 Figure: 2.1 - Future Land Use Low-Density Residential Medium-Density Residential Commercial Industrial Institutional Mixed-Use - Transitional Mixed-Use - Commercial Mixed-Use - Residential Conservation & Greenspace LEGEND: I N T E R S T A T E 6 5 E A S T M A I N S T ./C O B B S F O R D R D . H W Y . 1 4 W E S T U S 3 1 S O U T H U S 8 2 U P P E R K I N G S T O N CITY-WIDE PLANSS e c t i o n 2 . 2 � � � � � � � ���� � ������ ���������������� P R O J E C T PRATTVILLE2.18 Figure: 2.2 - Extended Future Land Use Low-Density Residential Medium-Density Residential Commercial Industrial Institutional Mixed-Use - Transitional Mixed-Use - Commercial Mixed-Use - Residential Conservation & Greenspace LEGEND: I N T E R S T A T E 6 5EAST M A I N /C O B B S F O R D U S 3 1 S O U T H H W Y 1 4 W E S T U S 8 2