1512 - December 17 Planning & Development Department 102 West Main Street  Prattville, Alabama 36067  334-595-0500  334 -361-3677 Facsimile planning.prattvilleal.gov C ITY O F P RA TTV ILLE P LA N N IN G C OMM IS S IO N A GEN D A December 17, 2015 3:00pm Call to Order: Roll Call: Mayor Gillespie, Councilman Whiteside, Chairman Smith, Vice-Chairman Gardner, Chief Johnson, Mrs. Carpenter, Mr. Hindman, Mr. McAuley, and Mr. Nelson. Minutes: November 19, 2015 Old Business: 1. Sketch Plan: Patriot Farms Location: Old Ridge Road Owners: SMB Lands, LLC Engineers/Representative: Barrett Simpson, Inc. Held 11/19 District 5 New Business: 2. Final Plat: Glennbrooke Plat 4B Location: Glennbrooke Blvd. and Tullahoma Drive Owner: SMB Lands, LLC Representative: Barrett Simpson, Inc. District 3 Miscellaneous: Adjourn: Approved 1/21/16 Prattville Planning Commission December 17, 2015 Page 1 of 2 CITY OF PRATTVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES December 17, 2015 Call to order: Vice-Chairman Reuben Gardner called the meeting to order at 3:04 p.m. Roll Call: The secretary called the roll.Present:Mayor Bill Gillespie,Vice-Chairman Reuben Gardner, Chief Dallis Johnson,Mrs. Paula Carpenter, Mr. Mark Hindman,Mr.Roy McAuley and Mr. Bobby Nelson.Absent:Councilman Gary Whiteside and Chairman Tim Smith. (Quorum present) Staff present:Mr.Joel Duke,City Planner and Ms.Alisa Morgan, Secretary. Minutes: There were no minutes available for approval. Old Business: 1.Sketch Plan: Patriot Farms Location: Old Ridge Road Owners: SMB Lands, LLC Engineers/Representative: Barrett Simpson, Inc. Mr. Duke stated that the subcommittee met November 30 to review issues related to amenity lots, power lines and billboards and connectivity.He stated that they were able to come to agreement of changes that was agreeable to all. Mrs. Carpenter provided the a report of the subcommittee meeting as well and stated that all in attendance were satisfied with the proposed changes. Mr. McAuley moved to approved contingent upon changes as modified in the revised sketch plan of Patriot Farms (1500019-02).Mrs. Carpenter seconded the motion. The motion to amend passed unanimously. The amended motion passed unanimously. New Business: 2.Final Plat: Glennbrooke Plat 4B Location: Glennbrooke Blvd. and Tullahoma Drive Owner: SMB Lands, LLC Representative: Barrett Simpson, Inc. Mr. Duke stated that the final plat of Glennbrooke Plat 4B public improvements were substantially complete. He stated that a resident of the Glennbrooke Subdivision wanted to address the commission. Although it is not a public hearing, it is completely at the Chairman’s discretion to allow public comments. Mayor Gillespie introduced a resolution recommending approval of the final plat of Glennbrooke Plat 4B and moved for its approval.Mr. Nelson seconded the motion. Approved 1/21/16 Prattville Planning Commission December 17, 2015 Page 2 of 2 Chairman Gardner allowed Mr. Greg Duncan of 782 Glennbrooke Blvd. to address the commission. He spoke to the commission regarding construction traffic being diverted from the residential drive. He stated that he had spoken with several people of SMB Lands, LLC who are sympathetic to his concerns but nothing has been done to address the problem. Blake Rice of Barrett Simpson, Inc., petitioner’s representative, stated that he will address the issue with the owners and developers to work out the issue. The motion to approve passed unanimously. Miscellaneous Business: 3.Re-plat: Angela Thornton Property, Plat 1 (Replat of Lots 13, 14, and 15 of Breakfast Creek Forest, Plat 1) Location: County Road 85 Owner: Angela Thornton/Brad Belden Mr. Duke recommended approval of the re-plat of Angela Thornton Property, Plat 1 combining lots 13, 14 and 15 into two lots. Mrs. Carpenter moved to approve the re-plat of Angela Thornton Property, Plat 1 as presented. Chief Johnson seconded the motion. The motion to approve passed unanimously. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 3:29 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Alisa Morgan,Secretary Prattville Planning Commission