1812 Dec 20 Planning & Development Department 102 West Main Street  Prattville, Alabama 36067  334-595-0500  334-361-3677 Facsimile planning.prattvilleal.gov C ITY OF PRATTVILLE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AGENDA December 20, 2018 4:30 p.m. Call to Order: Roll Call: Chairman Langley, Vice-Chairman Price, Mr. Barrett, Mrs. Davis, Ms. Kirkpatrick, Mr. McCord, and Ms. Musgrove. Minutes: November 29, 2018 Old Business: None New Business: 1. CA1812-01 Certificate of Appropriateness Addition-Demolish and build rear addition 335 South Chestnut Street Cindy Stephens, Petitioner Public Hearing 2. CA1812-02 Certificate of Appropriateness Sign-Replacement Alteration-Rear Deck 150 First Street Charles Sanderson, Petitioner Public Hearing 3. CA1812-03 Certificate of Appropriateness Alteration-Roof replacement, add front porch railings, add 2nd level rear porch, add rear free standing carport/utility room 237 South Washington Street William Cowart, Petitioner Public Hearing 4. CA1812-04 Certificate of Appropriateness Fence 202 South Northington Street Michaele Stewart, Petitioner Public Hearing Miscellaneous: Adjourn: Approved 1/24/19 Prattville Historic Preservation Commission December 20, 2018 Minutes Page 1 of 4 CITY OF PRATTVILLE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES December 20, 2018 Call to order: The regular meeting of the Prattville Historic Preservation Commission was called to order on Thursday, December 20, 2018 at 4:30 p.m. Roll Call: The secretary called the roll. Members present were Chairman Thea Langley, Vice-Chairman Gray Price, Mr. Will Barrett, Mr. Joel McCord, and Ms. Lenore Kirkpatrick. Members Absent: Mrs. Jean Davis and Mrs. Kate Musgrove. Quorum present Also present was Mr. Scott Stephens, City Planner; Mr. Austin Brass, Senior Planner; and Ms. Alisa Morgan, Secretary. Minutes: Mr. Price moved to approve the minutes of the November 29, 2018 meeting. Ms. Kirkpatrick seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Old Business: There was no old business to discuss. New Business: Certificate of Appropriateness Addition-Demolish and build rear addition 335 South Chestnut Street Cindy Stephens, Petitioner Cindy Stephens, petitioner, presented the request for a Certificate of Appropriateness to demolish a structure and add a rear addition on property at 335 South Chestnut Street. She stated that the addition was not built correctly so it was torn down. She stated that they didn’t know they had to get approval to rebuild it. Austin Brass, Senior Planner, provided the staff report for the Certificate of Appropriateness at 335 South Chestnut Street. He stated that the petitioner received approval for siding and windows replacement in August. He stated that the structure is non-contributing. The section was demolished before applying for and/or receiving a demolition permit or HPC approval. He stated that the rear addition is proposing to continue the same design elements of the existing house that was previously approved for hardie-plank siding and cross-bar windows. He also stated that the proposed door is a French door design that is compatible to the existing windows. Chair Langley opened discussion for the Board. There being no further discussion, Mr. Barrett moved to approve the request as presented. Mr. Price seconded the motion. The vote was called. The motion to approve passed unanimously. There were no public comments. Approved 1/24/19 Prattville Historic Preservation Commission December 20, 2018 Minutes Page 2 of 4 Certificate of Appropriateness Sign-Replacement Alteration-Rear Deck 150 First Street Charles Sanderson, Petitioner Charles Sanderson, petitioner, presented the request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for 150 First Street to allow a sign replacement and a deck over the existing stairs. He stated that the deck will have a 9’x9’ landing over the stairs with a 3.5’x20’ ramp. The deck will be treated wood painted gray to match the existing structure. He stated that the oval sign was replaced with a rectangular sign made of (tongue and groove) wood with black metal lettering. Mr. Brass provided the staff report for the request for Certificate of Appropriateness at 150 First Street. He stated that the sign was replaced prior to HPC’s approval. He stated that the sign is consistent with the guidelines on material, but does not meet the requirements for size of lettering. He stated that the proposed deck and ramp is being proposed at the rear of the structure. Mr. Price moved to separate the requested items. Mr. Barrett seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Item #1 (Sign) Mr. Sanderson stated that the lettering is ½” thick metal painted black on original posts. The lettering is approximately 25” in height. Mr. Barrett stated that the lettering is larger in height than required, but they are small and the sign is simple in design. Chair Langley opened the floor for public comments. Pamela Stewart of 202 S. Northington Street stated that the picture looks larger at different angle. Mr. Barrett stated that guideline #3 is the only regulation that closely addresses size requirements for signs stating that new signs should be scaled to be in proportion to the property. He stated that the replacement sign is the same size of the sign that was removed. He stated that he had no problems with the sign. Mr. Brass stated that the sign will be likened to a residential sign even though it is for a business. Chair Langley opened discussion for the Board. After no further discussion, Mr. Barrett moved to approve the request for the sign as submitted. The motion failed for a lack of a second. Michaele Stewart, 202 S. Northington Street offered recommendation to cut the letters down to meet the height requirements. After no further comments, Mr. Price moved to table the sign request and send to committee for further review. Mr. Barrett seconded the motion. The motion to table passed by 4/1 vote as recorded. Favor: Mr. Barrett, Mr. Price, Ms. Kirkpatrick, and Mr. McCord. Oppose: Chair Langley. Item #2 (Deck) Mr. Brass stated that drawings for the deck were not submitted. Mr. Sanderson stated that the railing will be around the original landing and there will be a walk way on both sides. Approved 1/24/19 Prattville Historic Preservation Commission December 20, 2018 Minutes Page 3 of 4 Mr. Barrett stated that detailed information on the deck is needed for proper review. Ms. Kirkpatrick moved to table the request for deck and ramp until detailed drawing is provided. Mr. McCord seconded the motion. The motion to table passed unanimously. Note: Mr. Arthur Hunt signed in, but did not have comments. Certificate of Appropriateness Alteration-Roof replacement, add front porch railings, add 2nd level rear porch, add rear free standing carport/utility room 237 South Washington Street William Cowart, Petitioner William Cowart, petitioner, presented his request for a Certificate of Appropriateness to make alterations to property located at 237 South Washington Street. He presented a sample of #26 and #29 gauge of the metal roof he is proposing and stated that the entire roof of the structure would be replaced with the #26 gauge. He stated that the proposed porch will have the same railings as the existing top balcony railings. Mr. Brass provided the staff report for the Certificate of Appropriateness for property located at 237 South Washington Street. He stated that the guidelines allows for like for like replacement, but there was no sample material provided for the proposed railing. Mr. McCord moved to separate the requested items for discussion. Ms. Kirkpatrick seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Item #1 (Roof) Ms. Kirkpatrick moved to approve the request as presented. Mr. Price seconded the motion. The motion to approve passed unanimously. Item #2 (Porch railing) Ms. Kirkpatrick moved to approve the request as presented. Mr. Barrett seconded the motion. The motion to approve passed unanimously. Item #3 (Porch above sun room) Mr. Cowart stated that the porch will be second level located above the sunroom. Mr. Brass provided the staff report. He stated that staff recommends that the porch rails match as proposed for the bottom rails. He stated that the proposed open porch would not alter the integrity of the historic structure. Mr. McCord stated that a sketch/drawing of the proposed porch is needed for proper review. Item #4 (Free standing carport/utility room) Chair Langley stated that the Commission would like to see drawings for the proposed carport and utility room. Mr. Barrett moved to table Item #3 and Item #4. Mr. McCord seconded the motion. The motion to table passed unanimously. Chair Langley clarified that item 3 on the petitioner’s application (paint brick columns) is not regulated by the Commission, therefore it was not included in the staff report. Approved 1/24/19 Prattville Historic Preservation Commission December 20, 2018 Minutes Page 4 of 4 Certificate of Appropriateness Fence 202 South Northington Street Michaele Stewart, Petitioner Michaele Stewart, petitioner, presented the request for a Certificate of Appropriateness to install a new fence on property at 202 South Northington Street. He stated that the proposed wooden white picket fence will be 4 feet in height. He stated that the fence will keep the neighbor’s dog from getting onto his property and the fence will align with the building line. Mr. Brass provided the staff report for the Certificate of Appropriateness to install a fence on property located at 202 South Northington Street. He stated that the proposed fencing style described is consistent with the guidelines. He stated that proposed fence is 4’ tall, 1’ taller than the guideline allows. Chair Langley opened discussion for the Board. There being no further discussion, Mr. Barrett moved to approve the request as presented. Mr. McCord seconded the motion. The motion to approve passed unanimously. There were no public comments. Miscellaneous: Mr. Stephens presented to the Commission consideration to change the submission deadline from 15 days prior to a meeting to 30 days. As discussed at the November meeting, the submission deadline will allow staff time to adequately review and prepare agenda items. Chair Langley opened discussion for the Board. There being no further discussion, Mr. Barrett moved to amend the Design Review Policy Section III Subsection B changing the submission deadline from 15 days to 30 days. Mr. Price seconded the motion. The vote was called. The motion to approve passed unanimously. Adjourn: With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:38 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Alisa Morgan, Secretary Historic Preservation Commission CITY OF PRATTVILLE Historic Preservation Commission Planning Department Staff Report CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS 335 South Chestnut Street – CA1812-01 DATE December 19th, 2018 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Petitioner: Cindy Stephens Property Owner: Cindy Stephens Agent: N/A Location: 335 South Chestnut Street Review Status and History Submission Status: Second request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for this address. Previous Approvals: August 23rd, 2018- Approval for replacement of windows & siding. 1984/2007 Historic Properties Inventory Details 335 South Chestnut Street– (circa 1940) Non- contributing property. One story, frame house with aluminum and synthetic brick siding, gabled roof and slope. Proposed Alteration, Renovation, or Addition The following alteration has been requested by the applicant. See the application included as Attachment A for description. 1. Demolish approximately 288 square feet of rear of house due to conditions discovered during remodel of interior (water damage to roof & floor supports). 2. Reconstruct the 288 sq. ft. and add approximately 96 sq. ft. to kitchen. 3. New Construction will have 4 windows, same size and material as other windows. 4. New construction will have 1 door at rear of house. 5. Re-side entire house using hardie board siding. Page 2 of 3 Item 1, Demolition of 288 sq. ft. at the rear of 335 S. Chestnut street. Demolition (page 55) Demolition of buildings that contribute to the historic character of the district results in an irreversible loss to the physical fabric of the community. Demolition of such buildings is an outcome to be avoided. 1. Demolition is appropriate if the building does not contribute to the historic character of the district. 2. Applicants for demolition and the Historic Preservation Commission should explore possibilities for selling or reusing historic buildings, preferably onsite but also in other locations, as alternatives to demolition. 3. Demolitions may be appropriate if the denial of the demolition will result in a demonstrable economic hardship to the owner. Item 1, Recommendation: Approval The board should note that the applicant had demolished the section of structure described above before applying for and/or receiving a demolition permit in lieu of HPC approval per city of Prattville requirements, however meets guideline 1, as the structure does not contribute to the districts historic character, guideline 2, as the section of structure is not historic. Item 2, Reconstruct the 288 sq. ft. and add approximately 96 sq. ft. to kitchen. Additions (page 40) Additions to dwellings are appropriate as long as they are placed on rear elevation or non-readily visible side elevations. Additions should be designed to complement the historic qualities of the dwelling. 1. Additions should cause minimal damage or removal of historic walls, roofs, and features from historic buildings. Existing opening should be used to connect the building and the addition. 2. Additions should have no or limited visibility from the street. Generally, rear elevation are appropriate locations for additions 3. Additions should be compatible with the original building in scale, proportion, rhythm, and materials. 4. Additions should be distinguishable from the historic building: they should be smaller and simpler in design. 5. Additions should not imitate earlier architectural styles, but should be contemporary in design. Item 2, 3, & 5, Recommendation: Approval The addition is located at the rear elevation of the structure with limited visibility from the public right-of-way. The applicant is proposing to continue the same design elements of the existing house that previously received HPC approval for hardie-plank siding and cross-bar windows offering compatibility of the original house, therefore guidelines can be considered met. Page 3 of 3 Item 4, New construction will have 1 door at rear of house. Doors are often buildings’ central visual elements and are particularly important features. Historic entrances and doors should be retained, maintained, and, if needed, repaired. Missing or severely deteriorated doors should be replaced with historically appropriate placements. Screen, storm, and security doors should not detract from the historic appearance of their building. 1. Historic doors should be retained and maintained. 2. Deteriorated or damaged historic doors should be repaired using methods that allow them to retain their historic appearance and as much of their historic fabric as possible. Epoxy is helpful in strengthening and replacing deteriorated wood. 3. Owners are encouraged to replace missing or severely damaged historic doors with replacements that replicate the original or other similar examples. 4. Replacements for primary residential doors may appropriately be of painted paneled wood with or without a clear-glass single or multiple-light opening. 5. Historic screen doors and shutters should be retained. 6. New screen doors should be sympathetic to the style of the house, have a wood frame, and be full view or have structural members that align with those of the door. 7. Storm doors should be full view and of baked-on enamel or anodized aluminum. 8. Security doors are appropriate for entrances not visible from the street. Security Doors should have sufficient glass to view the historic door behind it Item 4, Recommendation: Approval Proposed door located at the rear of the house contains a “French door design” that appears to be compatible with the existing cross bar style windows being proposed. ATTACHMENTS A. Application and attachments B. Location Map 1ST ST MAPLE ST E MAIN ST E 3RD ST W MAIN ST S WASHINGTON STTICHNOR ST COLLEGE STS CHESTNUT STDOSTER ST P L ET C H E R S TBRIDGE STSELMA HWYS COURT STLOCATION MAP A City of PrattvilleAlabama Historic Preservation Commission CA-1812-01 335 South Chestnut StreetDemolition/Rear Addition Legend County Tax Parcel ²1 inch = 500 feet Historic Preservation Commission CA-1812-01 335 South Chestnut Street 1ST ST E MAIN ST W 4TH ST W 5TH ST E 3RD ST PRATT STMAPLE ST DEER TRACE WETUMPKA ST S E L M A H W Y QUAIL RUN DOSTER ST D O S T E R R DBRIDGE STHALLMARK DRS NORTHINGTON STP L E T C H E R S T S CHESTNUT STS WASHINGTON STWATER ST E 5TH ST E 4TH ST MOBILE DRS COURT STDEER RUN DR W 3RD ST FIRESIDE DR N E W MO O N D R SPRUCE STMONCRIEF STW MAIN ST TICHNOR STN COURT STTHOMAS LNDEERWOOD DR COLLEGE STEVERGREEN STN CHESTNUT STLOWER KINGSTON RD PAR KW O OD D RHUNTS ALY PI NECREST STSALLY RIDGE RDN WASHINGTON STLASALLE CT V I N DA L E R DPINE RIDGE RD E BONANZA CT P R A T T C E M E T A R Y PRATTVILLE PUBLIC SAFETY WEATHERBY TRL OAK HILL CEMETARY THOMAS CTANTELOPE CIROAK CREEK CIRWATER ST LOCATION MAP B City of PrattvilleAlabama Historic Preservation Commission CA - 1812-01 335 South Chestnut Street ²1 inch = 800 feet Historic Preservation CA - 1812-01 335 South Chestnut Street ^ CITY OF PRATTVILLE Historic Preservation Commission Planning Department Staff Report CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS 150 First Street – CA1812-02 DATE December 19th, 2018 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Petitioner: Charles Sanderson Property Owner: Same as Petitioner Agent: N/A Location: 150 First Street Review Status and History Submission Status: Second request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for this address. Previous Approvals: February 25th, 2013- Approval for a 5’ x 5’ wooden sign. Conditions of Previous Approvals: N/A 1984/2007 Historic Properties Inventory Details 150 First Street – (circa 1895) Conditional contributing property. One story, frame (asbestos shingle siding), basically square with asymmetrical façade formed by offset projecting bay, tall pyramidal roof broken at front, sides, and rear by low secondary gables; single large dormer at front with colored glass sash; full-length porch (now screened ) with turned post and spindle frieze; turned and pierced work bargeboards trim gables. Proposed Alteration, Renovation, or Addition The following changes have been requested by the applicant. See the application included as Attachment A for the owner’s description of each item. 1. Construct a wooden deck to rear entrance/exit with a 9 x 9 landing over the stairs including a 3.5’ x 20’ ramp. Page 2 of 3 2. Alter existing sign by removing oval sign to replace with rectangle sign to match other signs on street. New sign will be made of wood with metal letters that say “Market”. PLANNING STAFF EVALUATION Reviewed by: Austin Brass Site Visits Conducted: December 2018 Recommendation: Items 1 & 2: Approval Evaluation: The requested alterations were reviewed against the standards contained in the Prattville Residential Design Review Guidelines Manual. The relevant sections of the manual are included. Staff comments/evaluations are summarized at the end of each section. Item 1- Construct a wooden deck to rear entrance/exit with a 9 x 9 landing over the stairs including a 3.5’ x 20’ ramp. Decks (page 38) Decks are popular modern features. If added to district buildings, they should be constructed on a building’s rear elevation or another location not visible from the street. 1. Decks should be located on the rear elevation of buildings. They may also be located on a side elevation if screened from view from the street through fencing or plants. 2. Decks should be constructed of wood or metal. 3. Decks should be stained or painted so that their colors are compatible with those of their buildings. 4. Decks should be simple in design. Wood balusters should be less than three inches apart and less than two inches in width and depth. Ramps (page 39) Ramps are important means of providing access to buildings. Because they were not historically common, new ramps should be subtle in design and placement. 1. Ramps should be constructed of wood and painted in colors sympathetic to those of the building. 2. Ramps should be simple in design. They may be designed to match the porch railing. 3. The construction and placement of ramps should not destroy or obscure defining building features. Page 3 of 3 Item 1: Recommendation, Conditional Approval Per applicant’s request, proposed deck meets guideline 1, 2, & 3 for residential decks, additional information shall be required by the applicant to verify guideline 4, and guidelines for ramps. In all, proposed deck and ramp is being proposed at the rear of the structure not hindering any historic elements that are visible from the public right-of-way. Item 2- Replace sign face with wood and metal letters Signs (page 34) Signs are important means of advertising and establishing business identities, and establishments should have flexibility in determining what modern signage to use while respecting the residential character of their host neighborhoods. 1. Sign usage should be kept to a minimum. In residential areas no more than two signs should be placed on the property. 2. New signs should be of historically appropriate materials such as finished wood, glass, copper, or bronze. 3. New signs should be scaled to be in proportion to the property. 4. Simplicity in design and content is recommended. 5. Colors used in signs should be coordinated with their buildings. Three colors or less should be used per sign. 6. Lighting sources for signs should be external and concealed. 7. New signs should be installed in locations historically used for signs such as on awnings, on upper façade walls covering five percent or less of the wall surface, inside windows, or projecting from the building façade or elevation. Signs should not cover or obscure architectural features. Item 2: Recommendation, Approval The board should note that this sign was refaced prior to receiving HPC approval & sign permit, however meets all of the guidelines listed above. 1. The sign is the only sign placed on the property. 2. The sign is constructed of a finished wood material. 3. The sign is scaled in proportion to the property. 4. The sign is simple in nature, having somewhat of an “organic” appearance to the design. 5. The sign does not exceed three colors. 6. The sign has no internal lighting sources. 7. The board should note the context of character of proposed sign, as this is a business oriented use in a residential district. ATTACHMENTS A. Application and attachments B. Location Map 1ST ST E MAIN ST MAPLE ST DOSTER ST P L E T C H E R S T S NORTHINGTON STS WASHINGTON STSELMA HWYS CHESTNUT STCOLLEGE STW MAIN ST OAK CREEK CIRLOCATION MAP A City of PrattvilleAlabama Historic Preservation Commission CA-1812-02 150 East First StreetSignage/Rear Deck Legend County Tax Parcel ²1 inch = 500 feet Historic Preservation Commission CA-1812-02 150 East First Street 1ST ST E MAIN ST E 3RD ST PRATT STMAPLE ST DOSTER ST W 4TH ST QUAIL RUN S E L M A H W Y S NORTHINGTON STD O S T E R R D P LE T C H E R S T S CHESTNUT STS WASHINGTON STWATER ST E 4TH ST S COURT STW 3RD ST BRIDGE STMONCRIEF STW MAIN ST DEER TRACE N E W M O O N D R TICHNOR ST HALLMARK DRTHOMAS LNCOLLEGE STPARKWOOD DRHUNTS ALY NEW MOON CTW BONANZA CTANTELOPE CIROAK CREEK CIRFLIN TLO CK C LO SEDEER TRACEWATER ST LOCATION MAP B City of PrattvilleAlabama Historic Preservation Commission CA - 1812-02 150 East First Street ²1 inch = 800 feet Historic Preservation Commission CA - 1812-02 150 E First Street ^ CITY OF PRATTVILLE Historic Preservation Commission Planning Department Staff Report CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS 237 South Washington Street– CA1812-03 DATE December 20th, 2018 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Petitioner: William A Cowart Property Owner: William A. Cowart Agent: None Location: 237 South Washington Street Review Status and History Submission Status: Initial request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for this address. Previous Approvals: N.A. Conditions of Previous Approvals: N.A. 1984/2007 Historic Properties Inventory Details 237 South Washington Street, Circa 1910, two stories, frame (aluminum siding), basically square with three-bay front and slightly projecting offsets to each side, brick-pier and post porch extending on north side to form porte cochere; side hall plan. Proposed Alteration, Renovation, or Addition The applicant is requesting alterations to the rear and south side of the structure. See the application included as Attachment A for the owner’s description of each element. 1. Replacing existing asphalt shingle roofing material with metal roofing. Page 2 of 4 Evaluation: The requested alterations were reviewed against the standards contained in the Prattville Residential Design Review Guidelines Manual. The relevant sections of manual are included. Staff comments/evaluations are summarized at the end of this section. Item 1 – Replace existing asphalt shingle roofing material with metal roofing Roofs (page 31) Roofs help to determine building style and are important elements of historic appearance. Historic roof shapes and, when feasible, materials should be retained and maintained. Public visibility of modern features should be very limited. 1. The historic roof shape should be retained. 4. If historic roofing materials are severely damaged or deteriorated or are missing and are prohibitively expensive to replace, dark grey, black, brown, dark green, or dark red asphalt or fiberglass shingles may be used. Recommendation: Conditional Approval As long as the shape and underlying construction of the porch ceiling and roof are retained, replacement of the asphalt shingles with metal should be allowed. The Commission should retain final approval over the style of the standing-seam metal panels. It is also appropriate for the Commission to approve or disapprove the color to maintain compatibility with the shingle roof on the remainder of the structure. Item 2- Install porch railing Porches (Page 27) Porches are one of the most defining characteristics of historic houses. Historic porches should be retained, maintained, and, if needed, repaired. New porches should be sympathetic to the historic appearance of building to which they are attached. 1. Historic porches visible from the street should be retained and maintained. 2. Deteriorated or damaged porches should be repaired and missing elements replaced. The materials used in repairs should allow the porch to maintain its historic appearance. 3. If the historic porch is missing, it is appropriate to replace it. Replacement porches should use materials and styles that are compatible with the building to which they are attached. Recommendation: Conditional Approval Page 3 of 4 The replacement of porch railings could have a strong influence on the historic character of the structure with a lower and upper front porch. It shall be recommend that the porch rails be placed with similar rails that are wood. Item 3: Install porch on top of sun room. Porches (Page 27) Porches are one of the most defining characteristics of historic houses. Historic porches should be retained, maintained, and, if needed, repaired. New porches should be sympathetic to the historic appearance of building to which they are attached. 4. Historic porches visible from the street should be retained and maintained. 5. Deteriorated or damaged porches should be repaired and missing elements replaced. The materials used in repairs should allow the porch to maintain its historic appearance. 6. If the historic porch is missing, it is appropriate to replace it. Replacement porches should use materials and styles that are compatible with the building to which they are attached. Recommendation: Conditional Approval It is recommended that additional information be provided on the style of porch and railings that would be proposed in order to satisfy the commission’s goals of preserving the historic character of the structure. Item 4: Install free standing 3 bay carport/utility room Outbuildings (page 50) Outbuildings contribute to the historic and residential character of the district. Historic outbuildings should be retained and maintained. New outbuildings should use design, materials, and placement that support the district’s historic character. 2. New outbuildings should be smaller than the adjoining main building. 3. New outbuildings should be simple in appearance. 4. New outbuildings should use building and roof forms compatible to those used in the adjoining main building. 5. New outbuildings should use materials compatible to those used in the adjoining main buildings. Outbuildings that are not visible from public vantage points or have very limited visibility may use modern synthetic siding materials. Recommendation: Conditional Approval. The proposal for a 3 bay carport/utility room shall require additional information to satisfy the commission’s goals. It would be recommended that the carport be compatible with the character of the existing primary structure. If the proposed carport is a metal frame Page 4 of 4 structure, it would be recommended that it be placed in a location that is not visible from a public vantage point in following with guidelines described above. ATTACHMENTS A. Application and attachments B. Location Map E 3RD ST E MAIN ST S WASHINGTON STCOLLEGE STS NORTHINGTON STLOCATION MAP A City of PrattvilleAlabama Historic Preservation Commission CA-1812-03 237 South Washington Street Legend County Tax Parcel ²1 inch = 500 feet Historic Preservation Commission CA-1812-03 237 South Washington Street E MAIN ST E 6 T H S T 1ST ST WETUMPKA ST E 3RD ST PRATT STMAPLE ST W 6TH ST W 5TH ST W 4TH ST DOSTER ST QUAIL RUN S NORTHINGTON STPL E T C H E R ST S E L M A H W Y HALLMARK DRBOO TH S T D O S T E R R DS CHESTNUT STS WASHINGTON STWATER ST E 5TH ST E 4TH ST PINECREST ST S COURT STW 3RD STN COURT STN E W M O O N D RBRIDGE STMONCRIEF STW MAIN ST PINE STTICHNOR ST N CHESTNUT STCOLLEGE STWOODVALE RDN NORTHINGTON STTHOMAS LNDEER TRACE PARK W OO D D RHUNTS ALY KNOB HILL RDN WASHINGTON STOAKLAND DRE BONANZA CTDOUGLAS CI RW ARREN CIR OAK HILL CEMETARY RAILROAD ST ANTELOPE CIROAK CREEK CIRDEER TRACE WATER STBOOTH STN COURT STKNOB HILL RDLOCATION MAP B City of PrattvilleAlabama Historic Preservation Commission CA - 1812-03 237 South Washington Street ²1 inch = 800 feet Historic Preservation CA - 1812-03 237 South Washington Street ^ CITY OF PRATTVILLE Historic Preservation Commission Planning Department Staff Report CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS 202 S. Northington Street – CA1812-04 DATE December 20th, 2018 PROPOSED DEVLOPMENT Petitioner: Michael Stewart Property Owner: 202 South Northington Street Agent: N/A Location: 202 South Northington Street Review Status and History Submission Status: First request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for this address. Previous Approvals: None Conditions of Previous Approvals: N/A 1984/2007 Historic Properties Inventory Details 202 South Northington is not listed in the 1984/2007 Historic Properties Inventory. Autauga County Tax records indicate that structure was built in 1950. Proposed Alteration, Renovation or Addition The following changes have been requested by the applicant. See the application included as Attachment A for the owner’s description of each item. 1. Install a 4’ tall wood fence. PLANNING STAFF EVALUATION Reviewed by: Austin Brass, Senior Planner Page 2 of 2 Site Visits Conducted: December, 2018 Recommendation: Approval of item 1 Evaluation: The requested alterations were reviewed against the standards contained in the Prattville Residential Design Review Guidelines Manual. The relevant sections of the manual are included. Staff comments/evaluations are summarized at the end of each section. Item 1. Install a 4’ tall wood fence Fences and Walls (Page 46) Fences and walls have historically been used to define ownership or function and to separate public and private space. Historic fences and walls should be retained and maintained. New fences and walls should use design, materials, and placement that minimize their effect on the district’s historic character. 2. Wood and metal picket fences are appropriate new construction. If wooden, they should be painted using colors complementary to the adjacent house. They should be less than three feet tall, and the pickets should be set less than three inches apart and be less than four inches in width. Recommendation: Approval The applicant’s request to add fencing in the proposed style described is consistent with the guidelines based off of material and proposed white color that are complementary to the adjacent house. The board shall note that proposed fence is 4’ tall, 1’ taller than the guideline allows. ATTACHMENTS A. Application and attachments B. Location Map E MAIN ST E 3RD ST S NORTHINGTON STS WASHINGTON STMONCRIEF STCOLLEGE STPRATT STE 4TH ST N WASHINGTON STLOCATION MAP A City of PrattvilleAlabama Historic Preservation Commission Case-1812-04 202 Northington StreetFence Legend County Tax Parcel ²1 inch = 500 feet Historic Preservation Commission CA-1812-04 202 Northington Street E M A I N ST 1ST ST WETUMPKA ST E 3RD ST DOSTER ST PRATT STS NORTHINGTON STS WASHINGTON STE 5TH ST E 4TH ST MAPLE ST PINECREST ST S CHESTNUT STN E W M O O N D RMONCRIEF STHALLMARK DRWATER STSELMA HWYCOLLEGE STD O S T E R R DN CHESTNUT STPARKWOOD DRKNOB HILL RDN WASHINGTON STOAKLAND DRP L E T C H E R S T N NORTHINGTON STNEW MOON CTOAK HILL CEMETARY OAK CREEK CIRKNOB HILL RDWATER ST LOCATION MAP B City of PrattvilleAlabama Historic Preservation Commission Case - 1812-04 202 Northington Street ²1 inch = 800 feet Historic preservation Commission CA-1812-04 202 Northington Street ^