1211 - November 15CITY OF PRATTVILLE Planning Commission Planning Department Staff Report REZONING RZ-2012-030 - Smith Property – 988 East Main Street DATE November 9, 2012 PROPOSED DEVLOPMENT Petitioner: Ruth Ann Smith Property Owner: Greg and Ruth Ann Smith Representative: N/A Location: 988 East Main Street – southwest corner of Spencer Street and East Main Street Development Status and History Submission Status: Property has not been rezoned or requested a rezoning since adoption of an overall zoning map in 1987. Previous Approvals: N/A Conditions of Previous Approvals: None. Property Configuration Acreage 7,670 square feet Proposed Number of Lots and Configuration: Currently a single lot in the Prattmont Heights subdivision. The petitioner has not presented a plan for division. Current Use: Single-family residential Proposed Use: Petitioner proposes to develop property for uses compatible with the adjacent commercial properties Current Zoning: The property is currently zoned R-2, Single-family Residential. Required Zoning: Petitioner has indicated that the property will be offered for re-development as a commercial, retail, or office use. These uses are accommodated under the B-2, General Page 2 of 3 Business classification. Consistency with Adopted Future Land Use Plan The Future Land Plan/Map in Section 2.2 of the Prattville Comprehensive Plan adopted by the Planning Commission on January 21, 2010 shows the subject property as Low Density Residential. The requested zoning of B-2, General Business is not consistent with the adopted plan. Additional comment and explanation is provided in the staff comment section. Surrounding Developments and Uses: See Attachment B. North: Lots zoned B-2, R-2 and O-1. East: Lots zoned R-2 and O-1 West: Lots zoned B-2 South: Lots zoned R-2 Street Extensions or New Streets: None required. PLANNING STAFF EVALUATION Reviewed by: Joel T. Duke, AICP Site Visits Conducted: November 9, 2012 Recommendation: Approval. See staff comments. Staff Comments: As stated earlier in the report, the city’s Future Land Use Map adopted in January 2010 classifies the subject property as “Low Density Residential”. This classification is a change from the future land use plan adopted in 1996 which showed the stretch of East Main Street between Memorial Drive and Kerlin Street transitioning to commercial uses. In practice, the Planning Commission has recommended, and the Council has agreed, that B-2 zoning should extend no further than Spencer Street with the remainder of the stretch being zoned O-1, Office Commercial. The 1996 approach assumed that previous pressure to convert to commercial uses should be allowed with the more intense uses (B-2) being encouraged near the Memorial Drive/Main Street intersection. Efforts were made in the 2009 Future Land Use Plan to both preserve neighborhoods and trim some of the area being dedicated to commercial uses. Limits on commercial uses were considered and adopted based on the market studies conducted during the planning Page 3 of 3 process which showed more commercially developed or zoned property than Prattville will be able to absorb in the next ten year period. However, the plan adopted for this stretch of East Main Street appears to have been classified as “Low Density Residential” in error. The pattern of redevelopment and the likelihood that the structures in this stretch of Main Street will remain or return to via residential uses is low. In this case, the Commission should look at the overall pattern established over the last decade and the likely uses of the property. If the Commission agrees that the present zoning pattern should continue and recommends the subject property for rezoning to B-2, it should also consider amendments to the present Future Land Use that reflect the same. ATTACHMENTS A. Location Map B. Current Zoning Map C. Future Land Use Map E MAIN ST GADDIS AVE W I N G A R D S T C O O P E R A V E S P E N C E R S T D E R A M U S S T C H A M B L I S S S T T H O M A S A V E D O Z I E R A V E S M E M O RIA L D R P E A C H T R E E S T 830 941931 603 844 808 819815811807 744 814 826 842909 901 802 913839 842 831 805 801 810 802 752 907 741 733 719 717 703 716 724 732 738 748 855 843 835 709 707 705 703 702 708 821 707 960 968 972 984 988 716 724 802 810 818 900 910 920821 815 809 751 749 739 733 725 717 987969959 956 966 974 978 986 943 921 615 601 918 922 940 501 941927921599 597 411 920 930 948 946 987985965957 502 964 974 986 706 942 1003 1028 1002 1016 1022 1030 1031 1023 1019 1022 1034 1110 1114 1124 1141 11371129112111131101 1102 1108 1114 1120 1126 1134 1021 10311001 1002 1004 1024 1034 103510251001 1010 1020 1034 113311271121111511091101 1106 1116 1122 1130 1138 CITY OFPRATTVILLEALABAMA ZONING DATA Scale: 1" = 200 ' LEGEND STREETS BUILDING FOOTPRINT TAX PARCELS ZONING 2007 R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 R-5 R-6 RD-1 B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 O-1 M-1 M-2 T-1 T-2 T-3 F.A.R. NO ZONING VALUE HOMEPLACE P.U.D. µ 0 200Feet CITY-WIDE PLANSS e c t i o n 2 . 2 P R O J E C T PRAT T VILLE THE N EXT CHAPTER P R O J E C T PRATTVILLE2.11 Figure: 2.1 - Future Land Use Low-Density Residential Medium-Density Residential Commercial Industrial Institutional Mixed-Use - Transitional Mixed-Use - Commercial Mixed-Use - Residential Conservation & Greenspace LEGEND: I N T E R S T A T E 6 5 E A S T M A I N S T ./C O B B S F O R D R D . H W Y . 1 4 W E S T U S 3 1 S O U T H U S 8 2 U P P E R K I N G S T O N