2102-Feb 18 PC1 0 2 W e s t M a i n S t r e e t \ P r a t t v i l l e , A L 3 6 0 6 7 \ 334. 5 9 5 . 0 5 0 0 \ p r a t t v i l l e a l . g o v BILL GILLESPIE, JR. MAYOR J. SCOTT STEPHENS, AICP DIRECTOR C ITY O F P R A TTVILLE P LA N N IN G C OMM IS S IO N A GEN D A February 18, 2021 3:00 p.m. Call to Order: Roll Call: Mayor Gillespie, Councilman Chambers, Chairman Smith, Vice-Chairman Gardner, Chief Johnson, Mrs. Carpenter, Mr. Daniel, Mr. Hayden, and Mr. Mullins. Minutes: January 21, 2021 Committee Reports: Old Business: 1.Sketch Plan: Redfield Road Property Location: Eastwood Blvd and Redfield Road Petitioner: Aliant Bank Representative: Flowers & White Engineering, LLC Held 1/21 District 5 2.Zoning Amendment: R-4 (Multi-Family Residential) to B-2 (General Business) BVCV Property Location: Old Farm Lane S & Vista Point Blvd. Petitioner: City of Prattville Held 1/21 District 5 New Business: 3.Zoning Amendment: FAR (Forest, Agricultural, & Recreation) to B-2 (General Business) Location: Fairview Avenue and Summit Parkway Petitioner: The Broadway Group, LLC Public Hearing District 3 4.Zoning Amendment: B-2 (General Business) to R-4 (Multi-Family Residential) Court Manor, Ltd. Location: 202 Nisbett Court Petitioner: Pine Creek Apartments, Ltd. Representative: Barrett-Simpson, LLC Public Hearing District 4 5.Sketch Plan: Thrash Property Sketch Plan Location: Old Farm Lane & Rocky Mount Road (north of High Pointe shopping center) Owner: Betty Thrash Representative: Flowers and White Engineering, LLC District 5 6.Zoning Amendment: FAR (Forest, Agricultural, & Recreation) to R-3 (Single Family Residential) Thrash Property Location: Old Farm Lane & Rocky Mount Road (north of High Pointe shopping center) Owner: Betty Thrash Representative: Flowers and White Engineering, LLC Public Hearing District 5 7.Preliminary Plat: Southern Development, Plat 1 Location: 606 South Memorial Drive Owner: Donnie Hendrix Representative: James Monk Public Hearing District 6 8.Proposed Ordinance Amendment: Maximum height in R-4 (Multi-Family Residential) district.Public Hearing Miscellaneous: Adjourn: Approved 3/18/21 Prattville Planning Commission February 18, 2021 Minutes Page 1 of 4 CITY OF PRATTVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 18, 2021 Call to order: Chairman Tim Smith called the meeting to order at 3:03 p.m. Roll Call: Members present were Mayor Bill Gillespie, Councilman John Chambers, Chairman Tim Smith, Vice-Chairman Reuben Gardner, Chief Dallis Johnson, Mr. Seth Hayden, and Mr. Mugs Mullins. Absent: Mrs. Paula Carpenter and Mr. Ken Daniel. (Quorum present) Staff present: Mr. Scott Stephens, City Planner; Mr. Darrell Rigsby, Senior Planner; Mr. Tommie Williams, Planner; and Ms. Alisa Morgan, Secretary. Minutes: Mr. Gardner moved to approve the minutes of the January 21, 2021 meeting. Councilman Chambers seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Committee Reports: Mr. Stephens provided an update on the progress of the Comprehensive Plan. He stated that the public hearing for its adoption is proposed for March 11, 2021 at 6:00. He stated that work session for the BVCV Property was held on February 6, 2021. He provided a brief report of the work session. He stated that the staff’s recommendation has not changed since the work session. He stated that the petitioner’s representative for the Redfield Road Property sketch plan has requested an extension until next month. Old Business: 1. Sketch Plan: Redfield Road Property Location: Eastwood Blvd and Redfield Road Petitioner: Aliant Bank Representative: Flowers & White Engineering, LLC The petitioner requested that the sketch plan of the Redfield Road Property be held until the next meeting (March 18). 2. Zoning Amendment: R-4 (Multi-Family Residential) to B-2 (General Business) BVCV Property Location: Old Farm Lane S & Vista Point Blvd. Petitioner: City of Prattville The BVCV Property request for rezoning from R-4, Multi-Family to B-2, General Business was held at the previous meeting (1/21). The Commission voted to hold and send to committee for further review. Chairman Smith called for the vote. The motion to approve failed by 4/3 vote as recorded: Oppose: Chairman Smith, Chief Johnson, Mr. Hayden, and Mr. Mullins. Favor: Mayor Gillespie, Vice-Chairman Gardner, and Councilman Chambers. Approved 3/18/21 Prattville Planning Commission February 18, 2021 Minutes Page 2 of 4 New Business: 3. Zoning Amendment: FAR (Forest, Agricultural, & Recreation) to B-2 (General Business) Location: Fairview Avenue and Summit Parkway Petitioner: The Broadway Group, LLC Mr. Williams provided the staff report for the zoning amendment request from FAR to B-2. He stated that the petitioner’s request for B-2 zoning for the one (1) acre lot is consistent with adjacent and surrounding zonings and with the future land use plan. Kelly Steele of The Broadway Group, LLC, petitioner’s representative, presented the rezoning request for the property located at Summit Parkway and Fairview Avenue. She stated that the proposed structure will access from Summit Parkway. She stated that the commercial retail structure will meet all setback requirements. Chairman Smith opened the floor for public comments. Jon Lee Finnegan, 211 Deer Trace, addressed her preference to the type of business that should be at this location. Ms. Steele addressed the comment stating that the use of the property would be in keeping with the B-2 zoning district. Paul Harper, adjacent property owner, expressed his concerns about traffic and access to the property. Mr. Stephens addressed the comment stating that the access would be addressed at the site planning stage of the development. After no further comments, the public hearing was closed. Mr. Mullins introduced a resolution recommending approval of the rezoning of Summit Parkway & Fairview Avenue and moved for its approval. Mr. Gardner seconded the motion. The motion to approve passed unanimously. 4. Zoning Amendment: B-2 (General Business) to R-4 (Multi-Family Residential) Court Manor, Ltd. Location: 202 Nisbett Court Petitioner: Pine Creek Apartments, Ltd. Representative: Barrett-Simpson, LLC The petitioner’s representative submitted a request to hold until the next meeting (March 18). 5. Sketch Plan: Thrash Property Sketch Plan Location: Old Farm Lane & Rocky Mountain Road (north of High Pointe shopping center) Owner: Betty Thrash Petitioner: Flowers and White Engineering, LLC. Representative: Flowers and White Engineering, LLC. Mr. Hayden introduced a resolution recommending approval of the sketch plan of the Thrash Property and moved for its approval. Mr. Mullins seconded the motion. Mr. Rigsby provided the staff report for the sketch plan of Thrash Property. He stated that the proposed plan was initially submitted for 75 lots on 25 acres of the western side of the property under R-3 designation. Since that report, the applicant resubmitted the sketch plan to accommodate 67 lots on the 25 acres. He stated that the applicant has proposed to rezone this portion of the property to R-3 single family residential and keep the eastern portion at its current zoning of FAR. Ken White of Flowers and White Engineering, LLC, petitioner’s representative, introduced the sketch plan of the Thrash Property. He stated that the proposed plat has a larger width lot size than the 60 ft required in the R-3 district. He stated that the stub out to the east has been provided as staff Approved 3/18/21 Prattville Planning Commission February 18, 2021 Minutes Page 3 of 4 recommended for future connection but there are no current development plans for the eastern portion of the property. Jim Matthews, developer, provided additional information on the concept of the proposed community as one focused on people aged 55 and older. After their discussion, the vote was called. The motion to approve passed unanimously. 6. Zoning Amendment: FAR (Forest, Agricultural, & Recreation) to R-3 (Single Family Residential) Thrash Property Location: Old Farm Lane & Rocky Mount Road (north of High Pointe shopping center) Owner: Betty Thrash Representative: Flowers and White Engineering, LLC Chief Johnson introduced a resolution recommending the rezoning of the Thrash Property from FAR to R-3 and moved for its approval. Mr. Mullins seconded the motion. Mr. Rigsby provided the staff report for the rezoning of the Thrash Property that was previously presented in the Thrash Property Sketch Plan. Chairman Smith opened the floor for public comments. Jon Lee Finnegan, 211 Deer Trace, spoke on the rezoning request. After no further comments, the public hearing was closed. The vote was called. The motion to approve passed unanimously. 7. Preliminary Plat: Southern Development, Plat 1 Location: 606 South Memorial Drive Owner: Donnie Hendrix Representative: James Monk Mr. Rigsby provided the staff report for the preliminary plat of Southern Development, Plat 1. He stated that the plat proposes to subdivide the property into two parcels. He stated that the preliminary plat proposes to separate the former Rite-Aid building from the remainder of the strip shopping center and bank building. Chairman Smith opened the floor for public comments. There were none. The public hearing was closed. Mr. Mullins introduced a resolution recommending approval of the preliminary plat of Southern Development, Plat 1 and moved for its approval. Mr. Gardner seconded the motion. James Monk of Alabama Land Surveyors, Inc., petitioner’s representative, presented the preliminary plat for the Southern Development, Plat 1. He stated that there will be no changes or construction to the building. The parcel is to be conveyed to a different owner. The motion to approve passed unanimously. 8. Proposed Ordinance Amendment: Maximum height in R-4 (Multi-Family Residential) district. The proposed amendment request was withdrawn. Approved 3/18/21 Prattville Planning Commission February 18, 2021 Minutes Page 4 of 4 Miscellaneous Business: Adjourn: There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:53 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Alisa Morgan, Secretary Prattville Planning Commission This email originated from outside the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. If you are unsure if the email is safe, please forward it to help@prattvilleal.gov. From:Rigsby, Darrell To:Morgan, Alisa Cc:Stephens, Scott; Williams, Tommie Subject:FW: [EXTERNAL]Re: February Planning Commission - Redfield Sketch status Date:Thursday, February 11, 2021 1:39:00 PM See below request to table Redfield from applicant. Darrell D. Rigsby Senior Plannerp: 334.595.0502e: darrell.rigsby@prattvilleal.gov From: H. Kenneth White, Jr. [mailto:kwhite@flowersandwhite.com] Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2021 1:32 PM To: Rigsby, Darrell <Darrell.Rigsby@prattvilleal.gov> Subject: [EXTERNAL]Re: February Planning Commission - Redfield Sketch status Please table this request to the next agenda. ThanksKJ H. Kenneth White, Jr., PE Flowers & White Engineering, LLCPO Box 231286 Montgomery AL 36123Phone 334.356.7600 Fax 334.356.1231 On Feb 11, 2021, at 10:53 AM, Rigsby, Darrell<Darrell.Rigsby@prattvilleal.gov> wrote: KJ, Can you confirm that the applicant is requesting to postpone the Redfield Sketch to next month? Thanks, CITY OF PRATTVILLE Planning Department Staff Report Rezoning Page 1 TO: City of Prattville Planning Commission FROM: Scott Stephens, City Planner DATE: January 21, 2021 SUBJECT: Proposed Rezoning from R-4 to B-2 for property at Old Farm Rd and Vista Point Blvd The information provided in this staff report has been included for the purpose of reviewing the proposed rezoning. There may be additional requirements placed on the property through the Site Plan Review process to address development regulations & access. A. BACKGROUND Case No. ZN 2021-01 Applicant/ Owner: City of Prattville / BVCV High Point LLC Representative: Scott Stephens (City of Prattville) Property Location: Old Farm Lane and Vista Point Blvd Property Identification Number: Elmore County: 2603070001017000, 2603070001017012, 2603070001017013 Property Size: 38+/- acres Current Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Designation: Mixed Use - Transitional Current Zoning District: R-4 (Residential Multi-family) Proposed Zoning District: B-2 (General Business) Existing Land Use: Undeveloped CITY OF PRATTVILLE Planning Department Staff Report Rezoning Page 2 B. DEVELOPMENT STATUS & HISTORY Previous Requests/Approval: 3/7/2006: Rezoned by Council from FAR to B-2 7/2/2019: Rezoned by Council from B-2 to R-4 A developer, on behalf of the property owner, appeared before the Planning Commission at its 4/19/2019 meeting requesting the rezoning from B-2 to R-4. His stated intention was to rezone the eastern 30+/- acres to R-4 and leave two outparcels along Old Farm as B-2. During the meeting, it was presented that plans were for approximately 180 units. The Commission voted to recommend the rezoning to R-4, however the submitted legal description and map included the entire 38+/- acre parcel to be included in the R-4 request. The ordinance presented to the Council included the legal description of the whole parcel, and was voted on and approved to rezone to R-4 at the 7/2/2019 Council meeting. At the 8/15/2019 Commission meeting, a preliminary plat was presented to the Commission that would subdivide the 38+/- acre parcel into three parcels (two parcels along Old Farm Lane and one 30+/- acre parcel for the proposed apartments). It was stated that the intention was to request rezoning of the two Old Farm Ln lots to be rezoned back to B-2. The Commission voted to approve the plat. No further rezoning requests for this property have been received. C. ANALYSIS: Surrounding Land Use Zoning North Water Tower/Residential/Undeveloped FAR South Lowes / High Point Town Center B-2 East High Point Town Center B-2 West Mixed Use/Vacant B-2 CITY OF PRATTVILLE Planning Department Staff Report Rezoning Page 3 Proposed Use: N/A Street Connectivity: The site has frontage along Old Farm Lane and Vista Point Blvd (a private road) Water/ Sewer: Water and sewer are available. Differences between R-4 (Existing) and B-2 (Proposed) Zoning Districts: • R-4, Multi-Family Residential District: Permitted uses within the R-4 zoning district include the following: ◼ Apartments ◼ Multi-family dwellings • B-2, General Business District: Permitted uses within the B-2 zoning district include the following: ◼ Motel or Hotel ◼ Restaurants ◼ Filling stations ◼ Places of amusement & assembly ◼ Major auto repair ◼ Recycling facilities ◼ Offices ◼ Shopping Center/ Retail D. THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN/STAFF COMMENTS: The subject site has a Future Land Use Map (FLUM) designation of Mixed Use- Transitional. CITY OF PRATTVILLE Planning Department Staff Report Rezoning Page 4 On January 21, 2010, the Planning Commission adopted an updated Prattville Comprehensive Plan. The Future Land Use Plan and Map in Section 2.2 of the document shows the subject parcel as “Mixed-Use Transitional”. Mixed-Use Transitional is “designed specifically to support a broad range of redevelopment types while limiting additional retail that might soften the existing market,” and “is geared towards creating a model of development and redevelopment that augments and supports the existing retail corridor on Cobbs Ford Road.” Suggested uses are “office, housing (of a variety of densities), hospitality, institutional, light industrial, flex office and greenspace, among others. Retail might be accommodated, but at a very limited scale, and of a purely local-serving variety.” PLANNING STAFF EVALUATION: Reviewed by: Scott Stephens, City Planner Site Visits Conducted: January 2021 Recommendation: Approval with Conditions. Staff recommendation is to rezone Lot A and Lot B to B-2 which will allow uses to support the retail corridor. Allow Lot C to remain R-4 or consider rezoning to O-1 or B-1. CITY OF PRATTVILLE Planning Department Staff Report Rezoning Page 5 I 65 S I 6 5 N COBBS FORD RDOLD FARM LN SROCKY MOUNT RDLEGENDS PKWY VISTA POINT DR BASS PRO BLVDVISTA POINT BLVDHW Y 8 2 B Y P E I 65 S ON RA M P PINNACLE WY THE EXCHANGE NI 65 N ON RAMP I 6 5 N OFF RAMPI 65 S OFF RAMPCOBBS FORD LNCOBB HILL PLKORNEGAY DRZELDA PL ±Legend Project Area Streets Autauga Tax Parcels02,0001,000 Feet Locations are approximate Location Map - BVCV Property VISTA POINT BLVDOLD FARM LN SPINNACLE PL PINNACLE LNPINNACLE WYVISTA POINT DR PINNACLE PL ±Legend Project Area Streets Autauga Tax Parcels 0 570285 Feet Locations are approximate Aerial Map - BVCV Property I 65 S I 6 5 N COBBS FORD RDOLD FARM LN SROCKY MOUNT RDLEGENDS PKWY VISTA POINT DR BASS PRO BLVDVISTA POINT BLVDHW Y 8 2 B Y P E I 65 S ON RA M P PINNACLE WY THE EXCHANGE NI 65 N ON RAMP I 6 5 N OFF RAMPI 65 S OFF RAMPCOBBS FORD LNCOBB HILL PLKORNEGAY DRZELDA PL B-2 B-2 B-2 R-2 R-4 F.A.R. F.A.R. F.A.R. B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 R-4 F.A.R. B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-4 R-3 B-2 B-4 B-2 R-4 B-2 R-4 B-2 B-2 B-2 P.U.D. B-2 B-2 F.A.R. F.A.R.B-2 B-2 F.A.R. F.A.R. F.A.R. B-1B-2 F.A.R. R-4 B-2 B-2 P.U.D.±Legend Project Area Streets Autauga Tax Parcels 0 2,0001,000 Feet Locations are approximate Zoning Map - BVCV Property CITY OF PRATTVILLE Planning Department Staff Report Rezoning Page 1 TO: City of Prattville Planning Commission FROM: Tommie Williams, Planner DATE: February 18, 2021 SUBJECT: Proposed Zoning Map Amendment from F.A.R (Forest, Agricultural, & Recreation) to B-2 (General Business) for Property located at SE corner of Summit Parkway and Fairview Ave. The information provided in this staff report has been included for the purpose of reviewing the proposed rezoning. There may be additional requirements placed on the property through the Site Plan Review process to address development regulations & access. A. BACKGROUND Case No. ZN 2021-02 Applicant/ Owner: Tom Allen Representative: The Broadway Group, LLC. Property Location: SE corner of Summit Parkway and Fairview Ave. Property Identification Number: 19 01 01 2 000 029.001 Property Size: 1 acre +/- Current Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Designation: Commercial Current Zoning District: F.A.R (Forest, Agriculture, & Recreation) Proposed Zoning District: B-2 (General Business) Existing Land Use: Vacant CITY OF PRATTVILLE Planning Department Staff Report Rezoning Page 2 B. DEVELOPMENT STATUS & HISTORY Previous Requests/Approval: N/A C. ANALYSIS: Proposed Use: The applicant is requesting a zoning designation of B-2 (General Business) for a 1 acre +/- vacant parcel for the placement of a Business. Street Connectivity: Street connectivity consists of Summit Parkway, Fairview Ave, and Station Drive. Water/ Sewer: Water and sewer are available Surrounding Land Use Zoning North General Business B-4 (Highway Commerical) South General Business F.A.R (Forest, Agricultural, & Recreation) East General Business F.A.R (Forest, Agricultural, & Recreation) West General Business B-2 (General Business) CITY OF PRATTVILLE Planning Department Staff Report Rezoning Page 3 • B-2, General Business District: Permitted uses within the B-2 zoning district include the following: ◼ General Business District USES PERMITTED: Any retail or wholesale business or service not specifically restricted or prohibited. Major auto repair; funeral homes; places of amusement and assembly; business recycling facilities, community recycling facilities and community recycling receptacles; any use permitted in a B-1 Local Shopping District USES PERMITTED ON APPEAL: Animal clinics, hospitals or kennels, dry cleaners and laundries. Manufacturing incidental to a retail business where articles are sold at retail on the premises, not specifically prohibited herein. Any use permitted or permitted on appeal in the R-3 Residential District, and subject to all district requirements of an R-3 District as specified in Section 71, hereof MINIMUM LOT SIZE: It is the intent of the ordinance that lots of sufficient size be used for any business or service use to provide adequate parking and loading space in addition to the space required for the other operations of the business or service. MINIMUM YARD SIZE: None specified. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: 65 feet or 5 stories. PLANNING STAFF EVALUATION: Reviewed by: Tommie Williams, Planner Site Visits Conducted: February 2021 CITY OF PRATTVILLE Planning Department Staff Report Rezoning Page 4 Recommendation: Approval. This proposed rezoning is consistent with adjacent and surrounding zonings and with the future land use plan . Rezonings will be recommended to the City Council. SUMMIT PKWYFAIRVIEW AVE ±Legend Project Area Streets Autauga Tax Parcels 0 10050 Feet Locations are approximate Aerial Map - Summit Pkwy & Fairview Ave FAIRVIEW AVE OL D F A R M L N N SUMMIT PKWYOLD FARM WYOLD RIDGE RD NMCQUEEN SMITH RD NCOVERED BRIDGE PKWYJOSIE RUN STATION DR DOLLY CIR MAL W E S T D R ±Legend Project Area Streets Autauga Tax Parcels 0 500250 Feet Locations are approximate Location Map - Summit Pkwy & Fairview Ave FAIRVIEW AVE OL D F A R M L N N SUMMIT PKWYOLD FARM WYOLD RIDGE RD NMCQUEEN SMITH RD NCOVERED BRIDGE PKWYJOSIE RUN STATION DR DOLLY CIR MAL W E S T D R B-2 B-4 B-2 B-2 B-4 O-1 F.A.R.R-4 R-4 F.A.R. F.A.R. R-4 R-5 B-2 R-5 F.A.R. F.A.R. ±Legend Project Area Streets Autauga Tax Parcels 0 500250 Feet Locations are approximate Zoning Map - Summit Pkwy & Fairview Ave From:Stephens, Scott To:Blake Rice Cc:Fred Bennett; Aron Boldog; Morgan, Alisa Subject:RE: [EXTERNAL]Court Manor Apartments Date:Wednesday, February 10, 2021 5:19:24 PM Received. Thank you. J. Scott Stephens | scott.stephens@prattvilleal.gov | 334.595.0501 -----Original Message-----From: Blake Rice <brice@barrett-simpson.com>Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2021 3:23 PMTo: Stephens, Scott <Scott.Stephens@prattvilleal.gov>Cc: Fred Bennett <fred@thebennettgrp.net>; Aron Boldog <aron.boldog@capna.org>Subject: [EXTERNAL]Court Manor Apartments This email originated from outside the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize thesender and know the content is safe. If you are unsure if the email is safe, please forward it to help@prattvilleal.gov. Scott, Please take this email as our formal request to table the rezoning request for the above referenced project from theFebruary 2021 Planning Commission meeting to the March 2021 Planning Commission meeting. I really appreciateall of your help on this! Thanks, Blake Rice Barrett-Simpson, Inc.334-703-3214 Sent from my iPad Thrash Sketch Plan 2021 Page 1 of 3 Planning Commission Staff Report CASE: Thrash Sketch Plan (2021) MEETING DATE: February 18, 2020 A. BACKGROUND: Applicant/Representative: Flowers & White Engineering LLC. Owner: Betty Thrash Property Location: Between Old Farm Rd and Rocky Mtn Rd; N of High Pointe Town Center Property Identification: Elmore County 2603070001016000 Property Size: 25 +/- Acres (75 lots) Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Designation: Unincorporated at time of FLUM – borders Mixed-Use Transitional to south and west and Commercial to south Current Zoning District: FAR (Forest, Agricultural, Recreation) Proposed Zoning R-3 (Single-Family Residential) Existing Land Use: Undeveloped / Vacant Land B. DEVELOPMENT STATUS & HISTORY: Previous Requests: May not be exhaustive September 19, 2019 – ANX2019-02 Annexed by City Council September 19, 2019 – ZN2019-15 Zoned FAR by City Council Thrash Sketch Plan 2021 Page 2 of 3 C. SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: D. EVALUATION/COMMENTS: Street Connectivity: The tract has an estimated 735’ of frontage along Old Farm Lane. The proposed sketch plan shows two street connections to Old Farm Lane that run perpendicular toward the east of the property and connect toward the rear. Water/Sewer: The proposed site could be served by water, however, the nearest sanitary sewer line to the southwestern corner of the property is approximately 940’ south at the intersection of Howard Murfree Drive & Old Farm Lane. The nearest sanitary sewer line to the southeastern corner of the property is approximately 750’ south on Vista Point Blvd near High Point Town Center. R-3 (Single-Family Residential) District Standards: Lot requirements for uses in R-3 zoning include the following:  Single-Family Dwellings MINIMUM SETBACKS AND YARD SIZES:  Front— 25 feet  Rear— 30 feet  Sides— 8 feet & 6 feet MINIMUM/MAXIMUM LOT SIZE:  Minimum Area—7,500 sq ft  Minimum Width at Building Line—60 ft  Maximum Lot Coverage— 35% Direction Land Use Zoning North Residential Unincorporated South Vacant / Undeveloped R-4 / B-2 East Interstate / Undeveloped / Millbrook Millbrook / B-2 West Residential FAR Thrash Sketch Plan 2021 Page 3 of 3 Staff Comments: This developer proposes to subdivide approximately half of the approximately 50.9 acre parcel into an approximately 25 acre tract on the east side of the property and a 25 acre development on the western portion of the property. This proposed sketch is proposing to subdivide the western 25 acre tract into a 75 lot residential subdivision, following R- 3 zoning designation. Street connectivity is proposed to connect two streets within the development to Old Farm Road. Sketch does not show connectivity for future development to the North, South or East. Additionally, applicant has proposed to rezone this portion of the property to R-3 Single Family Residential. The property is currently zoned F.A.R and at this time, applicant proposes to keep eastern portion of property FAR. Reviewed by: Darrell Rigsby, Senior Planner Recommendation: I 6 5 S OLD FARM LN SROCKY MOUNT RDI 6 5 N ±Legend Project Area Streets Autauga Tax Parcels 0 500250 Feet Locations are approximate Aerial Map - Thrash Property I 6 5 S I 6 5 N COBBS FORD RDOLD FARM LN SROCKY MOUNT RDVIS T A P O I N T D R BASS PRO BLVDVISTA POINT BLVDTHE EXCHANGE NCOBBS FORD ACCESS RD N I 65 N O N R A M P HWY 82 BYP E I 65 S OFF RAMP COBBS FORD ACCESS RD SCOBB HILL PLZELDA PL ±Legend Project Area AUTAUGA_ELMORE_LINE Streets Autauga Tax Parcels 0 2,0001,000 Feet Locations are approximate Location Map - Thrash Property I 6 5 S I 6 5 N COBBS FORD RDOLD FARM LN SROCKY MOUNT RDVIS T A P O I N T D R BASS PRO BLVDVISTA POINT BLVDTHE EXCHANGE NCOBBS FORD ACCESS RD N I 65 N O N R A M P HWY 82 BYP E I 65 S OFF RAMP COBBS FORD ACCESS RD SCOBB HILL PLZELDA PL B-2 F.A.R. B-2 R-2 F.A.R. R-4 F.A.R. B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 R-4 F.A.R. B-2 B-4 R-3 B-2 B-2 R-4 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 O-1 B-2 F.A.R.B-2 R-3 B-4B-2 F.A.R. R-4 B-2 F.A.R. F.A.R. B-1 R-3 B-2B-2 ±Legend Project Area AUTAUGA_ELMORE_LINE Streets Autauga Tax Parcels 0 2,0001,000 Feet Locations are approximate Zoning Map - Thrash Property Rezoning Thrash Property CitizenServe #21-000100 ZMA21-000003 Page 1 of 4 Planning Commission Staff Report REZONING REQUEST: Proposed Rezoning from FAR (Forest, Agricultural, Recreation) to R-3 (Single-Family Residential) for Property located North of High Pointe Shopping Center between 213 and 307 Old Farm Lane MEETING DATE: February 18, 2021 The information provided in this staff report has been included for the purpose of reviewing the proposed rezoning. There may be additional requirements placed on the property through the Site Plan Review process to address development regulations & access. A. BACKGROUND Case No. ZN 2021-04 Applicant/ Owner: Flowers and White Engineering, LLC Representative: Flowers and White Engineering, LLC Property Location: Old Farm Lane, between 213 Old Farm Lane and 307 Old Farm Lane Property Identification Number: Elmore County 2603070001016000 Property Size: ~25 acres (Total Parcel 50.9 acres) Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Designation: Unincorporated at time of FLUM – borders Mixed-Use Transitional to south and west and Commercial to south Current Zoning District: FAR (Forest, Agricultural, Recreation) Existing Land Use: Undeveloped / Vacant Land Rezoning Thrash Property CitizenServe #21-000100 ZMA21-000003 Page 2 of 4 B. DEVELOPMENT STATUS & HISTORY Previous Requests: May not be exhaustive September 19, 2019 – ANX2019-02 Annexed by City Council September 19, 2019 – ZN2019-15 Zoned FAR by City Council C. ANALYSIS: Proposed Use: The applicant is requesting a zoning reclassification from FAR (Forest, Agricultural, Recreation) to R-3 (Single-Family Residential) for western half of property. The applicant would like to rezone this half of the property to develop a neighborhood. Street Connectivity: Tract proposed for rezoning has approximately 735’ of frontage along Old Farm Lane. Water/ Sewer: The proposed site could be served by water, however, the nearest sanitary sewer line to the southwestern corner of the property is approximately 940’ south at the intersection of Howard Murfree Drive & Old Farm Lane. The nearest sanitary sewer line to the southeastern corner of the property is approximately 750’ south on Vista Point Blvd near High Point Town Center. Surrounding Land Use Zoning North Residential Unincorporated South Vacant / Undeveloped R-4 / B-2 East Interstate / Undeveloped / Millbrook Millbrook / B-2 West Residential FAR Rezoning Thrash Property CitizenServe #21-000100 ZMA21-000003 Page 3 of 4 ARTICLE 7. - DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS  R-3, Single-Family Residential District: Permitted uses within the R-3 zoning district include the following:  Single-Family Dwellings MINIMUM SETBACKS AND YARD SIZES:  Front— 25 feet  Rear— 30 feet  Sides— 8 feet & 6 feet MINIMUM/MAXIMUM LOT SIZE:  Minimum Area—7,500 sq ft  Minimum Width at Building Line—60 ft  Maximum Lot Coverage— 35% Rezoning Thrash Property CitizenServe #21-000100 ZMA21-000003 Page 4 of 4 D. THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN/STAFF COMMENTS: The subject site is not part of the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) because it was not incorporated at the time of the current FLUM. On January 21, 2010, the Planning Commission adopted an updated Prattville Comprehensive Plan. The Future Land Use Plan and Map in Section 2.2 of the document shows the subject parcel as bordered by “Mixed Use – Transitional” and “Commercial”. This land use is consistent with the surrounding development and the surrounding FULM designation of Mixed-Use Transitional. From Comprehensive Plan: Mixed-Use Transitional. This is a very targeted land use category, designed specifically to support a broad range of redevelopment types while limiting additional retail that might soften the existing market. The two primary applications would be the Old Farm Lane corridor, and Home Place. The designation is geared towards creating a model of development and redevelopment that augments and supports the existing retail corridor on Cobbs Ford Road. Acceptable uses would include office, housing (of a variety of densities), hospitality, institutional, light industrial, flex office and greenspace, among others. Retail might be accommodated, but at a very limited scale, and of a purely local-serving variety. PLANNING STAFF EVALUATION: Reviewed by: Darrell Rigsby, Senior Planner Site Visits Conducted: February, 2021 Recommendation: Approve. This proposed rezoning meets the general fabric of the area. R-3 residential is consistent with the intent of the Mixed-Use Transitional FULM designation surrounding subject property. It will not cause in adverse hardships on adjacent property owners. I 6 5 S OLD FARM LN SROCKY MOUNT RDI 6 5 N ±Legend Project Area Streets Autauga Tax Parcels 0 500250 Feet Locations are approximate Aerial Map - Thrash Property I 6 5 S I 6 5 N COBBS FORD RDOLD FARM LN SROCKY MOUNT RDVIS T A P O I N T D R BASS PRO BLVDVISTA POINT BLVDTHE EXCHANGE NCOBBS FORD ACCESS RD N I 65 N O N R A M P HWY 82 BYP E I 65 S OFF RAMP COBBS FORD ACCESS RD SCOBB HILL PLZELDA PL ±Legend Project Area AUTAUGA_ELMORE_LINE Streets Autauga Tax Parcels 0 2,0001,000 Feet Locations are approximate Location Map - Thrash Property I 6 5 S I 6 5 N COBBS FORD RDOLD FARM LN SROCKY MOUNT RDVIS T A P O I N T D R BASS PRO BLVDVISTA POINT BLVDTHE EXCHANGE NCOBBS FORD ACCESS RD N I 65 N O N R A M P HWY 82 BYP E I 65 S OFF RAMP COBBS FORD ACCESS RD SCOBB HILL PLZELDA PL B-2 F.A.R. B-2 R-2 F.A.R. R-4 F.A.R. B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 R-4 F.A.R. B-2 B-4 R-3 B-2 B-2 R-4 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 O-1 B-2 F.A.R.B-2 R-3 B-4B-2 F.A.R. R-4 B-2 F.A.R. F.A.R. B-1 R-3 B-2B-2 ±Legend Project Area AUTAUGA_ELMORE_LINE Streets Autauga Tax Parcels 0 2,0001,000 Feet Locations are approximate Zoning Map - Thrash Property Preliminary Plat for Southern Development Plat 1. Page 1 of 2 Planning Commission Staff Report SUBDIVISION NAME: Southern Development, Plat 1 Preliminary Plat MEETING DATE: February 18, 2021 A. BACKGROUND: Applicant/Representative: James Monk Owner: Donnie Hendrix / Southern Development of Mississippi Property Location: 606 S. Memorial Drive Property Identification: Autauga County 19021030240050020 Property Size: 1.89 Acres Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Designation: Mixed-Use Residential Current Zoning District: B-2 General Business Existing Land Use: Shopping Center B. DEVELOPMENT STATUS & HISTORY: Previous Requests: May not be exhaustive None Known Preliminary Plat for Southern Development Plat 1. Page 2 of 2 C. SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: D. EVALUATION/COMMENTS: Street Connectivity: Street connectivity consists of South Memorial Drive. No new streets are proposed in this subdivision. Water/Sewer: Public water and sewer is available B-2 (General Business) District Standards: Lot requirements for uses in B-2 zoning include the following: MINIMUM SETBACKS AND YARD SIZES:  Front— 0 feet  Rear— 0 feet  Sides— 0 feet MINIMUM/MAXIMUM LOT SIZE:  Minimum Area—No Restrictions  Minimum Width at Building Line—No Restrictions  Maximum Lot Coverage— No Restrictions Staff Comments: This preliminary plat proposes to subdivide existing 1.89 acre parcel at the northwest corner of South Memorial Drive and East Main Street into two parcels of 1.12 acres (Lot 1) and 0.77 acres (Lot 2). Currently lot 1 houses a vacant former Rite-Aid building and parking lot. Lot 2 houses a multi-tenant strip shopping center and a financial institution on the corner of the intersection. This preliminary plat proposes to separate the former Rite-Aid building from the remainder of the strip shopping center and bank building. Proposed preliminary plat has been reviewed by City departments and meets building, zoning, and fire standards. Reviewed by: Darrell Rigsby, Senior Planner Recommendation: Approve Direction Land Use Zoning North Residential / Commercial B-2 South Commercial B-1 East Commercial B-2 West Commercial B-2 ±Legend Project AreaStreetsAutauga Tax Parcels 0 10050 Feet Locations are approximate Aerial Map - 606 S. Memorial Dr. E MAIN ST NEWTON ST S MEMORIAL DRCHAMBLISS STGADDIS AVE DAVIS STCOOPER AVE ±Legend Project AreaStreetsAutauga Tax Parcels 0 500250 Feet Locations are approximate Location Map - 606 S. Memorial Dr. E MAIN ST NEWTON ST S MEMORIAL DRCHAMBLISS STGADDIS AVE DAVIS STCOOPER AVE B-2 R-2 B-1 R-2 R-2 ±Legend Project AreaStreetsAutauga Tax Parcels 0 500250 Feet Locations are approximate Zoning Map - 606 S. Memorial Dr.